The fight for Ella

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I was in the courtyard with the camp family. I then heard Kenji say I went too far right. I then said yes you did. I then heard Becky say what happened. I heard Ben fell down the stairs? I then said Ben was determined and had a bad moment. Beckey then looked at the stuffed Dinos Ella was playing and then saw the Spino. Becky then said I'm guessing it has something to do with that. Kenji then said I bought a company that makes stuffed animals and I had them make all the dinos we made and one they voted on and it won and. Beckey then said he tried to beat you up. Kenji then said Im sorry, Ben's mom. Beckey then said I need to talk to Ben and Yas right now. I then said I'm in trouble. Beckey then said let's just hurry up before it closes and they come here for someone. I was confused we went to Ben room where he was awake he then said hi Mom hi Yas. Beckey then said I had a visitor and not in a good way. Ben then said who. Beckey then said that child protection servers want to take Ella away to a family from Utah that wants to adopt her. Ben then said I will fight for her but I'm not old enough I then said I'm guessing you need to be 21. Ben nodded then said we cant hide her for that long Yas because we are both 16. I then said I cant believe after all we are done with her we can't keep her with us. Beckey then said there is a way here me out what if Me and Paul adopt her and when you guys turn 21 we will turn over right to you two. Ben then said won't she then be my sister? Becky then said legally but in our heart we all know she is your two daughter. but I'm asking will you both be ok with this. I then said Thank you Becky as I hugged her I then said I'm coming with you when you do it. Becky then said let go then and make it official. I then went back to the courtyard to see a woman trying to grab Ella from the camp family. The woman said you kids need to stop her adoptive family in the car waiting to go to the courthouse. I then said who says you get to give away my Daughter as Ella ran to me as I picked her up. I then said as her parents on the island I want to choose who will adopt her and I know of a family who is already here to adopt her. The case worker said I don't have time so hand the child over. I then said to the case worker can me and Beckey drive Ella to the court house so you can ride with us. The worker then said fine. I walked when Kenji looked at me and said are you really giving up on Ella? I then said I will find away we got into the car as Becky drove us to the court house as I picked up Ella as the family that is trying to adopt Ella went up to her and said there our little survivor I watched Beaky run into the courthouse I just need to buy Beckey time I then watched as the camp family minus Ben and Paul come out of a vehicle run out after Beckey. Then the mother that was trying to adopt Ella said, You must be Yas so are you ready to have your life back to normal. I then said no because I'm losing the child. I love the child that me and my boyfriend would repeatedly throw ourself into danger just to keep her safe. The mother then said thanks for keeping her safe but it's not like you can care for her. I then said I have a friend who lives nearby that was coming to adopt her. I then said why do you want to adopt Ella? Then a boy said I'm going to have a famous sister. The mother then said yes you will Billy and then we can Live in luxury because of her. I then said well then I'm going to have to write you a list of stuff. I then said to the social worker do you have a pen and a paper so I can write down Ellas needs? The worker then said sure and handed them to me. I then put Ella down and said what I was writing down I then said Everett is the stuffed animal that Ben gave her when he was about to die so it very special to her along with the stuffed animal in this bag every week there is a group cheek up from the camp family at noon to 3 every Saturday. Need her nap from noon to 2 o'clock. Otherwise she is cranky except for Saturday her nap time would be from 10:30 to 11:30. She doesn't like talking about the islands except when the campers are around or else she will have a mental breakdown. If she does have a mental breakdown, call me right away so that I can calm her down. She has trigger words that I am writing down. There are a few that may seem silly like C H I P. The mother then said Chip. Ella began to cry and hug my leg as I looked at her and said it as a trigger word and yet you say it. So I'm wondering if you are even listening and she needs a nightlight to sleep. If not she will cry because she is still traumatized by an attack that happened during the night. She doesn't like talking so don't force her too. I then saw the husband walk toward me and said can you hurry this up we are running 5 min late. I then said she has some adults that are going to be calling her their names including Barry Sembène and Owen Grady who worked with her late dad well when she was on the island. The mother looked at me and said who are they? I then said they were the raptor trainers. The boy said you have seen them to Ella. Ella hid behind my legs. (I need to continue this list to stall)


I then ran and filled the paperwork to adopt Ella. I then saw Paul run to me saying there outside. I then said the case would be in the courtroom .I then saw the other campers and said if they come in then stall they nodded. Kenji then said for our Niece putting his hand in as the others did then they said break. I then went into the courtroom and saw the Judge and said your honor about this case with Ella. Can I speak to you in private? The Judge said sure sense they are still coming I smiled as we went into a back room. I then said you can't let that family adopt her, let me adopt her. I am the mother of the camper that found and was raising her on the island. You can't separate them. They went through the same trauma so Ella has my son or any of the other campers to go to to talk about the island. The Judge then said so how come he's not here saying this? I then said we were going to wait for him to get out of the hospital on the Island. He was sacrificing himself to save the others when a dino ate his leg and died to a 2 dino. The judge then said he was alone raising her. I shook my head and said the girl he was dating on the island said that Ella called them Mommy and Daddy. She the reason why the adoptive family is late and the camper that were with them they are also helping Yas. I then said please it would be better to keep them together. I even got all the paperwork as I handed it to the Judge. Judge then said I will see about it. I walked out to see Yas crying and holding Ella well. The other campers I walked to Yas as she looked up at me I just shook my Head no. The judge walked in as we stood up then sat back down. The Judge said this would be the adoption of Ella. Ella can you please come here Ella turned and dug her head into Yas's chest. Yas then said I'm sorry Ella does this when she is scared. I thought this might be the last time Ella and Yas can hug before being separated. The Judge said Ella would you feel more comfortable if Miss—I then said Yasmina. The Judge then said If Yasmina walked closer to me so I can hear you Ella Then nodded her Head as Ella picked her up. I then heard Yas say Ella remember to tell the truth and no matter what happens you will always beloved By The camp family, The Dinos and Your Mom and Dad. Ella then said Thanks Mommy. Yas then said be brave Like Dad. Ella then looked at the Judge and said I would like to ask you about Yas when she cared for you on the island. Ella then said Mom and Dad would always keep me safe from dinos Like then time dad fought a Toro to bye Me mom and the other campers time. The judge then said who is Toro? What does he look like? Kenji then went into the bag and said how good is your catch Judge? The Judge said good why. Kenji threw a stuffed Dino and the Judge and he got it and looked at it and said he looks scary. Ella then said Ben fought him with just a wooden spear. The Judge said Ella, did you get food? Ella then said when on the island they all had me eat first. A person then said here it up I have a long drive tomorrow everyone looked at the voice to see a woman. The Judge then said I'm just wondering why this girl is up for adoption looking at the women. Yas then said Well try to escape the park on the monorail Ben was taken from us by pteranodon and we got separated well on his own he found Ella. Yas then spoke her real dad was dead, blocking the door to a room that Ella was in. She then said can I speak on why I need my girl? The Judge said I will allow it she then said please don't take my girl away Ben mom Becky is willing to adopt her so I can stay with her. I don't tell anyone this but when the camper didn't get off the island I tried multiple times of suicide and when she came to us she saved us she gave me a reason for life again a reason to fight to get off the island. The Judge then said how can I know what you are saying is true. I watched as Yas pulled up her shirt but not high enough to show her Bra on her side to see multiple long scars. I looked at the other campers and they looked shook. The lady who talked before then said bla bla hurry up. well on her phone gave it up girl you lost and gave us custody of that child. The Judge then said I got one final question: if you could stay with your mom and dad would you? Ella then said Yes I love Mommy I don't think I could lose them again. The door open as I turned to see Ben in crutches and still in his hospital gown and said please don't give away my girl. The woman said the Judge just give me custody of that child pointing at Ella. Ben looked mad as he used the crutches to go to the front then to Ella and said this girl is the sweatiest person and her name is Ella. The Judge then said so you are Ben. Ben nodded his head then said sorry I'm late and had to doge the hospital staff. The Judge said, So you are telling me you just left. Ben then laughed and said I dealt with dino, poachers and killer robots. You think I missed the fight for my daughter because of hospital staff. The Judge then hit his gavel and said I clearly knew where Ella needed to go. The door Burst open as two men walked out 

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