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FEB, 2017

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FEB, 2017

The following morning had come by faster than I had expected due to only getting a few hours of sleep before I was up and saying goodbye to Jordy and Grace.

I couldn't remember how long I had spent outside while admiring the moon during the early hours of the morning, but as I slowly started to feel my eyelids getting heavy, I knew that it was finally time to try and get some rest. I couldn't have been asleep for more than a few hours at most, my exhaustion being a key factor in how much sleep I had clearly gotten.

I was incredibly groggy when I heard the girls get up and move around my room, collecting all of their strewn items as they got ready to head back home. It was nearing 9am when I waved them goodbye and trudged myself back upstairs and into the comfort of my warm bed, not nearly ready to be awake and start my day yet after the shitshow that was last night.

I was incredibly thankful to have friends as strong and confident as Jordy and Grace. Within a moment's notice, they'd be at my door helping me with whatever I needed, or at someone's throat if they so much as glanced in my direction with a look of judgement on their face. They were basically my forms of knights in shining armour, saving me when I didn't realise I needed the help.

They taught me that it's okay to accept help sometimes, and that it doesn't make you weak.

They were my blessings in disguise after my life started to tear itself apart from deep within my soul at the young age of 13.

You are so incredibly impressionable at that age. You believe whatever you are told and you follow instructions blindly because you know no better. I was a victim to the mass amount of self criticism and hate, not that it helped when I also had everyone in school throwing insults behind my back all day.

Meeting Jordy and Grace after I attempted to sew myself back together had been chaos within itself. They were meeting someone who was a shell of a person, and still, overtime, I'm not the same girl that I once was.

I don't think that I ever would be.

They helped glue me back together when I thought that I had already mended the broken pieces back into one. They picked up the fractured shards that I didn't realise were still missing and put me back together in a way that made me feel somewhat whole again.

I would forever feel grateful for their timing coming into my life. Just when I thought that I had nothing else left to lose, they helped to show me a light at the end of another tunnel, an alternative direction to feeling happiness again.

My tired state this morning meant that it wasn't the best of times to have a conversation about last night and where I wanted to go from here. The most that we had discussed last night, was that none of us could actually fathom that Winnie had the audacity to push me in the pool, and for what reason?

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