~Part 1~

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When I arrived at the Mclaren center I feel a little nervous because im going to be in a PR relationship with one of the Mclaren drivers. First I didn't like the idea but yeah you know why not I get good paid and it give me a chance see more from the world. So that why im no walking in the Mclaren Center I waiting for a man Zak brown and Andreas Seidl. They sound really nice over the phone so that something good. "Lois Jones right?" Ask a man who stand in frond of me. I nod en give an hand "Yeah that right im Lois Jones nice to meet you" I say and walk after that guy. He taking me to a office and says I need to wait her for Zak brown and Andreas Seidl. If that guy leaved i look around at the office room. It really big and a beautiful prospect over the Mclaren Center. It looks really quite. And that relaxing I like it "Hy Lois nice you are here how are you doing" Says i think zak brown" Yeah im going good and nice that you aks me for this" I say and smile a little at him " Well you look really nice and normal and not his type" Zak says and than come two man walking in "Lando shit down pls" Says zak and smiled at him "Lando i think Andreas told you already why you here so what you thinking of the plan" Zak says and looking at me and back to lando " I think it's a stupid plan why do i need to have a PR Girlfriend" Lando Says a little angry "Because you're bad on the news and in the papers" Andreas said a little mad " Yeah who cares im a boy and im young" Lando said and wanne walk out "Lando do this for us pls we need some good publication" Says zak" He nods and go sit back down "Well Lois this is Lando and i think you kwon the plan to" Says Andreas and give a contract "Wait they never told me that i get that much paid" I said surprised "Ow what they told you than" Zak ask" Ow they told me 1000 dollar at a month" I Say " Well it's 1000 but per weekend that you are with lando to the track" Zak says" I nod and sigh the contract. "Well guys i hope we will start at begin of the new race season at Bahrain at that the first race you come to" Zak says" I nod and look at lando to be real he cute and good looking but he sound like a dick on the media and stuff. When we talk about everthing im getting home because tomorrow i need to fly back to Paris to have shoot there. So i really love the shoot there.

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