~Part 7~

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I getting ready for this part from lando why did I in greed with this im fucking don't know but Gabriella want to go so now im doing something for her "Are you almost ready" My sister asking me and coming in my room. "Wow girl you look hot" She said and im turning around . "Thx you to" I said and grab my hand back and put some parfum wallet and stuff into it. "Ready to have a amazing party with your fake boyfriend" She laughed at me "Ow shut up the contract hasn't started so I can do everything I want" I said and wink at her "Ow lo you don't dare that" She said . I nod and we walking down to the streets "Where is the party" Gabriella asking me. "Well at his apartment" I said and we going to the building. "Well I hear the music already" She said and walking to the stair and walking to top floor. "Are you sure we can still leave" I said and Gabriella push the door open and we see a lot of people drinking at just dancing around. I take deep breath and we walking in when we in the living room part we grab some drink and going see for some people Gabriella mabey knows. And yeah she know some guys and one girl is with them "Gabriella we didn't expected you here" One of the guys said "Well im here and I think you like it im here" She said and give him quick on his cheek. "I will see later" She said and we walking to the kitchen. "Who was that guy" I ask her "Let say some guy I hade fun with one night" She said and we sitting down "Slut" I said and she rol her eyes "You just basic you had one boy" She said "Yeah and i felt good with it and im not regret it you regret some boys" I said "Yeah true but I love just have fun" She said and grab other drink. "Did you see lando yet" She asking me "No he will be busy with some other girl in his room" I said and start laughing. "Well that boy is just like me" She said. We stand up and I was right lando standing in the room kissing with some girl. That boy wil never chance ever I roll my eyes and walking to my sister who talking to some random guys. But she with one guy busy she touching his hand and looking at him the whole time and he don't mind because he touching her the whole time to. And im just looking around and than back and they are kissing with each other. I roll my eyes and walking away and sit down on the couch and watching people have fun with each other. "Are you having fun" Some one asking me who sitting next to me. Im looking up and its lando with some hickeys. "Well to be honest no me sister is having fun with some random guy and im no just sitting her" I said " come let's go to my balcony we can talk there better" He said and grab my arm and pull me Through people to his balcony. "Welcome to my best place ever on this apartment" He said and leans against the railing "Lando why did you move to Monaco" I asking him "Well for my career and here a lot of party al time" He said and take a sip of his coca cola. "do you not drink" I asking him "No im a athlete so I cant you know" He said and we both looking to the best prospect ever. There are many light from the boat and villas its so fucking pretty. 'Lois can I be honest" Lando asking me "Always" I said and looking at lando "Its hard for me to do this you know i need to be the perfect picture and im happy that you going to help me with that but still its hard" Lando said "Yeah I know well not like you but its hard for me to im going to be drop in hard world full hate on girl who dating the drivers" I said "I promise I will be there for you if that happend we many not real couple but I hate when girl get hurt" Lando said "Thanks lando but I can take care off my self I always do" I said and smiled to him "I think you can handel this its going to be oke and well if you need a little help im here" Lando said I nod and he gives me a big hug "Well go back to that girl lando she waiting for you I think" I said "Well yeah I promise her she can stay" He said "Go do the dirty stuff but don't tell me ever the details" I said "Promise" He said and walking back inside.

PR LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora