~Part 25~

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It's the next day when I walk downstairs I only see Lando sitting there, he smiles at me and I sit next to him and puts his arm around him "How did you sleep?" He asks and I laugh softly "That's good in itself" I laugh and I lie down with my head against him. "Good," he says and strokes my back. "By the way, I'm glad the weather is good between us." Lando says and looks at me with his beautiful eyes.

When Luisa also comes in, I decide to sit a bit away from Lando. I also feel bad for her, it has just ended and you can clearly see that in her. I look at Lando that he needs to talk to her so he does.

"Hey" Kika says and sits next to me and we talk a bit and I tell her everything about Lando she screams all at once so I put my hand over her mouth and she starts laughing "Shut up" I say and she chuckles. "You're smiling" Alexa asks and she looks at me "Well, things are going well between this lady and Lando" She says and Alexa smiles at me "Well, that's nice" She says and sits on the couch and we all chat until we go to the slopes

When we are at the very top of the slopes, Lando comes to me and pulls me towards him "What are you doing?" I laugh and he chuckles "Kissing my girlfriend" He says and pulls me into a kiss and I kiss him back it feels so nice . "But Lando doesn't find this painful for Luisa" I say and he shrugs his shoulders "Maybe so, but to be honest I don't care" He says and pulls me against him and I inhale his scent

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