Chaper 5 Waterfall Kiss

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"I pushed her hair back looking at her face the sun was beaming

Warning smut

"I was laying in bed Amelia was fast asleep I sat up on my elbow the sun was beaming on her face I pushed her blonde hair back giving her shoulder a kiss she turned around morning she smirked morning. "You okay yeah . "I know this feel wrong I was thinking carrying on press kiss up to her neck .
"She moved over I looked at her she pressed her head on my chest . You okay yeah I can't help but kiss her .
"Listen  I better get  back to my room . She looked okay she look disappointed  with it she drop back to sleep turning the other way I felt weird

"Getting back to my room I have guilt why am I sleeping with her Javi your a hot sexy single guy and you can get any girl but why amerila fuck . I get a shower "thinking of her she making me hard  fuck I throw my shirt off .
"Stepping in the shower fuck she making me hot and horney fuck . I run my hand down my dick fuck .

"Pressing the water I closed my eye feeling her around me fuck I pump my dick fuck slapping my hand on the water moaning out fuck getting faster fuck I got quicker fuck fuck throwing my head back until I cum fuck . Panting out I carried on washing my body. " Once finshed the shower . I fixed my hair and throwing on my red shirt on only doing 2 buttons and shorts. I throw my black ray bans. "locking my.door.

"I knocked at Ameila door she walked up to the door opening her honey cone blonde hair was lose she was wear a yellow binki hey I looked my sunglass "hey javi I smile can light the whole room "where you going out yes she smiled I was going to.the beach "same "do you want to walk with me sure "okay she locked the door. I can smell her sweet perfume and my chain looks good on her"sitting in between her boobies  we both walked down the stairs "it looks really nice out yeah " I put my hands in my shorts why am I neverous
"the beach wasn't long "on the way there ameila took the view in taking photos.

"We was there she took her sandals off and ran down to the ocean Javi she shouted my name I took my shoes off and splash her with water stop that yeah. She splash water "can I show you something sure she smiled at me come on "I held my hand out "she took it her skin was soft and it fits "walking to the exit from the.beach. We throw are shoes on "there was a forest bit "your about  to kill me javi oh no.

"we walked through the forest so do you take many girls this route "not really only the girls I get on with okay "we climb over the rocks "here I stopped she looked around this is the clumbia waterfall Javi it's amazing yeah "come on what where going to jump off them cliffs are you series "yes ameila look you trust me yes.
"I took my shoes off holding ameila hand still she was sweating its okay princess.

"finally reaching the cliffs the water was crashing benith us " I took my shirt off ready holding ameila hand yes she took a deep.breath "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  jump we jumped into the freezing cold water "swimming toward her hair was stuck to her face pushing it out  the way you okay yeah how was that amazing "she panted.
"yeah it was swimming closer I looked into her eyes and kiss her my lips.crashed to her "javi jump I whispers to here wrapping her legs around my torso I carried on kissing her fuck she bite my lip walking under the waterfall wow your strong.. Yeah. Sitting her on a rock "take these off I slid her bottoms down "hum she spread her legs. "fuck  i moved closer she placed her hands on top of my shoulders." do you want this yes she kiss me "I slid my shorts down "sliding in her I thristed fuck. She throw her head back I have never had sex under a waterfall fuck I was nearly done.

"we both fixed are self let head back be need to pack yeah sure. I picked my shirt up and walked into town  with ameila heading back to are hotel rooms. She looked do you want to come in if you want me to yeah "I walked in are lips crashed soon we was in a heavy make out session on the bed like teenagers .laughing. We was in each other arms javi hum I had my eyes close . Yes I am hungry I laugh "well come on then. I got out of bed she wrapped the sheets around her she is cuite when she gets all nervous. Around me my eyes are fixed on her body getting changed come what she smiled. Slidding her shorts and top "you look okay. "yeah we walked out of the hotel "I have never spent time with a girl this long "I am scared javi what wrong.

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