Family Growing

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"I have been feeling sick a couple of days know javi thinks it's a bug "Ameila was snapping me out of my thoughts yes honey I smiled "I am going to work now okay see you later "I was about to kiss him I had to run to the toilet mummy are you okay Sophia ran in yes mummy just feel sick throwing up I think I ate something "oh honey javi looked maybe book in the doctors to get you checked over okay "Sophia hugged her dad goodbye maybe javi right "I sat on the corner of the sofa. " I pick up the phone hello "Yes Mrs. Pena what can I do for you "Could I book an appointment of course "When have you got one "Well doctors Williams is free now if you want to pop in okay "grabbing Sophia and putting her in the push chair she smiled when we got out of the house Sophia was singing nursery rhythms.  Going down the road the wheel on the bus million times once we got to the doctors Sophia fell asleep "it was a good job the doctors was busy "calling me names I picked up a magazine "Mrs pena yes I got up push the pram in the doctors office "hello doctor Williams what can I do if you "well I have been sick and not feeling well "also ny jeans don't fit "interesting what have you done a pregnancy test no why we'll Mrs pena any chance you are pregnant "well I don't know here "do a test for me and we will see the bathroom is on you right okay looking over at Sophia she will be okay "I walked out if the room turning right "I locket the door and pee "things running through my head "walked back with the test done waiting feel like hours the test was finished "right your results the doctor looked at it well congratulations what "your pregnant really yes "wow thank you Sophia was still asleep I am so happy thank you nearly crying "I got Sophia come on she woke up mummy yes teddy bear I handed her it there you go.
"once back at the Sophia was sitting in her high chair eating food she has brown curly locks and big brown eyes javi looks which she will break hearts "that nice hum

"after lunch Sophia was playing with her toys on the floor she was playing with her doll baby she looked yes baby she held I pick her up mummy got a baby her "she place hear head baby she point yes baby she smiled yes "mummy baby with daddy yes "mine yes boy or girl no no girl boy she smiled baby brother you want hum she sits watching cartoons I carry on working the day went pretty fast "it was nearly tea time "I gave Sophia her tea she loves food like javi we both do "right missy I pick her bath bed and story she clapped her hands yes "picking her up I ran a bath the water was not warm just the right temper I place her in the bath singing songs "daddy he working princess daddy he will be in soon she carried on singing "I dry her off putting her princess PJS on carrying her to her room "right brushing her hair she climbed in bed I pick up her book "little red riding hood went through the forest to find her grandmother Sophia began closing her eyes I kissed her softly right baby girl "I decided to clean up until javi came through the door how was your day good urs "well what he look I went to the doctors well where having a baby really he pick me up yes Amelia that amazing news yes parents again hum he kiss me super mom

"we both sat down that night javi hand rested on my stomach hello you I leaned down kiss him Sophia.sat by Javi we all curled up on the sofa watching Disney.

Few years time my bump was big me and javi don't know what where having he thinks another girl Sophia like boy I think girl too "Sophia was playing in the garden "with javi I got up and felt a pain ooo baby I look out of the window my water broke shit looking down "javi look and ran in are you okay no my water have broken. Okay stay calm he look holding my hand Sophia runs in mummy is the baby coming yes.
"we quickly packed the rushing to the hospital javi pick up mia come on princess we all arrived at the hospital. "my wife ameila yes pena she in labour okay mia was looking a javi crying shhh it okay "princess he calm her down "mia I will be back mummy loves you okay stay with daddy what about the baby javi you will see it okay

"I got rushed in the delivery room so ameila push okay I pushed that it until I heard a cry omg is that your little boy what I have a son yes omg I cried "javi walks in hey baby daddy here he looks we have a boy really yes his name is goiva that only mia ran in is that my brother yes we all sat around looking at are baby boy

The is the end I hate leaving ameila and javi but they had a happy ending

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