Moving Back New York New Arrival

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"hello baby girl

" I am not far from my due date I got my old job back off Julie but I just working in the office for know because I can't really run at the moment because. I am like a beach whale "I don't feel guilty leaving Javi in Florida all I forcing on is my.little girl.
"I was just finishing off the nursery in are new apartment "Sarah my best friend has been helping me everything is pink."ameila yeah she walked in with a pink elephant
"placing it in the cot I can't wait until your here. Little on not long know I rubbed my.stoamch "I.walked into the kitchen how things with Kyle yeah he good its different he in Florida I am in New York "know I am happy your here same. You want anything for lunch sure she made me her sandwich there you go.
"thanks I need to work out after this baby you know"maybe bump into a hot single dad too please I am not going straight any time soon.i know that.after lunch I carried on working though the emails Sarah left for work "I got a pain."ooo slow down girly I tapped my stomach fuck I felt wet looking down my water have broken "shit okay calming down."I grabbed my phone Sarah hum ameila she spoke into the phone "my water have broken holy shit it has yes "I will be quick and drive you to the hospital please hurry up I started panting "ameila I was talking to myself calm down breath "ameila Sarah ran in let get you to the hospital okay. We walked gently down the stairs to her car."it hurts I know shhh we hurry up driving finally at the hospital "Sarah open the door."help what's wrong my friend is in labour okay
"I get ran straight into the delivery room "ameila I am doctor stark okay mike is my name she going to make appearance yeah "okay Sarah held my hand push push push I cried she coming I heard a cry and looked she her "Sarah cried yeah congratulations mommy I cried hello "I am your mummy I cried. " she looks like javi thick hair and dimples.but she never going to to meet him "Sarah looks down at her me and your mummy are going to look after you "my little star "I laugh at Sarah ameila I am.not messing "I am going to be this little one cool at "boys or girls shopping late night party and things "really yeah "well she going to be a book nerd I kissed her on her forehead mummy said so "the nurse popped in have you got a name for her yes "I smiled this is Sophia mia pena Thomas "Sarah looked at me what you put pena yeah maybe on day she would like to know.her dad hum."Sarah smiled hello.sophia "I hugged Sarah thank you for being her yeah well.lets get this little on home shell me yeah "the nurse walked in am I okay to.go home yeah I just need to get your bags thanks."I held Sophia in my arms "Sarah snapped a picture to send it to Murpy aww he will probably want to meet her. Yeah I grabbed the car seat
"come on little lady I scoped her into her car seat let take you home "yes agree "Sarah smiled "we got my bags off the nurse and walked outside well Sophia this is the world "we walked to Sarah car making Sophia was safe "I climbed in the car driving back to are flat Sophia was crying hey mommy here I pick hear up "Sarah help me thanks "I smiled Kyle fly over next week "will you be okay on your own yes.
"finally at are apartment Sarah open the door welcome home "I walked to Sophia room placing her in her coat "welcome home baby girl kissing her "she went to sleep. I left her room and went into the living room ",how are you ameila tried. "yeah have a nap Sarah smiled what about Sophia she will be okay are you sure yeah
"I went to my room falling fast asleep on my bed "it felt like a deep sleep. It felt like ages "until I woke up to something that smelt nice I walked out of ny bedroom did you have a nice sleep yes "I made us pasta thanks Sarah how is she asleep ameila.
"she woke up for her bottle then went back down "thanks it's okay "I grab my food and me and Sarah are together have you had any thoughts about javi no "ameila she is his daughter so he cheated on me "I took into my pasta and chilled the rest of the night "Sarah went to bed I got Sophia and put her in my bed because you will settle.

The next morning I was up early Sophia cried and cried I gave her a bottle and sat on the sofa watching friends I was so tired Sarah went to work early it was just me and Sophia all day "I got one with some work while she was still asleep "typing away and looking over "I mean this girl can asleep "laughing to myself the emails was done and sent "I cleaned up the flat and done all the washing it was time to realx Sophia was laying next to me on the sofa fast asleep .

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