true feelings by drunken feelings

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" 1Work has been shit but finally it's the weekend that I can finally let my hair down. "Me and Ben have decided to cool things down and "seeing Javi with his girlfriend hasn't bothered me one bit I am happy for him I am glad to have found someone who is not me for once it was fun messing around with him and having fun. I had a quick shower Sarah was deciding what to wear "I quickly washed my hair and body ameila have you finished yes I am just going to pick an outfit out. I choose a small dress with black silk lace on pairing it with my heels. I applied makeup up grabbed my bag." I walked out Sarah was dressed in a black dress too "she handed me yeah. "you look sexy hum I smiled "Joking swing around so. Jess and milly and Lauren are all meeting in the club okay "I have already ordered us a taxi I knocked back the shot
"what the fuck is this "Straight Vokia it burning it meant to "Come one can here okay
"we walked towards the door have you got your keys yeah and phone yes and bag yes Mum I laughed at Sarah "We linked arms laughing down the hallway "I looked at Javi walking passed us you ladies going out yes "Well have fun and stay safe I will. We walk down the stairs did you see the way he couldn't keep his eyes off you no. We climbed in the cab music was blasting out tonight Ladys yeah "we'll it's busy we know "We got dropped off outside a neon pink sign club "Walking in the music was loud we meant all the girls "Amelia we missed you same I order a drink from the bar the other girls was getting hit on "I had more and more to drink losing myself up
"Amelia comes and dances with us Sarah pulled me to the dance floor and swung my hips, anyone you like no doesn't worry we will find your prince charming "The night was fun I drank more and more knocking back the drink less came up to me is everything okay yeah I am just having fun I slurry in her ear "I was swinging and swaying to the music I dance more and had more to drunk"the night was a blur I was so drunk and I don't normal get drunk I sat down because the room was spinning "Sarah walk over I am taking you home please don't ameila clear there something wrong okay, "I said bye to the girls "me and Sarah decided to walk home I know it stupid but there wasn't any taxi cabs around she held me up where nearly there "I think I am going to throw up I did shit sorry I was embarrassed don't be. "
"come on she hugged me lets get to sober up okay "Walking up the stairs "I knock my back against Javi's door shit Sarah quickly got the door open open "I fell on the sofa "Sarah closed the door "She was drunk too so do you want a coffee amelia sure. Can I tell you something Sarah yes she carried on making coffee shh I laugh I love Javi
"what she walked over to the sofa I love Javi Pena "Really I nodded shh don't tell anyone here Sarah handed me my coffee "Ameila you need to tell him no I shook my head I can't why I don't know "Sarah look what ameila "he is soooo sexy in bed I carried on drinking my coffee he is really good in bed "Sarah was half finished her coffee come on you need to go to bed yeah "I walk to my room bumping into things I got changed into a tee shirt I found Sarah stayed In my room because she like a mum. Night Amelia night Sarah "I fell asleep love you Javi....

The next morning "I woke up my fucking head felt like it getting hammer the sun was shining through my blinds fuck my eyes were stinging "From the sunlight I felt rough I couldn't remember last night or anything I looked at my top a shit its javi top
"I seen my door open morning sleep and beauty Sarah walked in the 2 black strong coffee I figured you needed this my head is sore to babes yeah I can't remember last night "Yeah Sarah smirked I remember you confessed your love to Javi to me and you said the sex was good "oh no my cheeks went red "I didn't yes amelia are you I don't know "he sexy and hot yeah but he a player I know that "all of a sudden we hear a guys voice "hello amelia "fuck I looked at Sarah it's javi what "we both sat on the bed in here Sarah shouted javi walks in he looks sexy white fitted 2buttions undone and he woop his hair back and has a grin sorry he smiled. "oh sorry to ask you amelia I looked into his soft brown eyes "yes I come to pick up the folder okay. I didn't realise I had his old police training top and climb out of bed walking over to the draw I left Javis eyes falling on me I turned around here you go thank I will see you at work " he walked out shit I fell back Sarah was laughing he was checking you out "oh god I am still wearing his top Sarah laugh "shit do you reckon he gone "I don't know I need to get a shower why don't you check maybe he can help you back with you hangover "please go on amelia "fine I got out of bed walking down the hallway to my kitchen "I looked he was still here "javi I thought you went he was biting an apple and throwing the cork in the bin "I wanted to see if you was okay anyway I brought you something he handed me a bag "you got me a bacon roll
"yeah, I figured you were hungover I wasn't yeah you do have panda eyes "shit it's kind of cutie away I better be going to work he lean in thank you I hugged him "and turn my head to kiss him on the cheek "you welcome see you in work. Once he left I walked into my bedroom and saw he was so. kind Sarah smirked he brought you food and you both were flirting he was so into you "Please we're just friends oh okay "Once I finished the bacon roll I got changed for work "Grabbing ny keys Sarah was still in a happy mood

"once we arrived at the station I was nervous walking in I saw Ben had already moved on "Walking straight to my office I felt rough "Murpy walked in good morning shh I am hung over haha you are that funny you went partying yeah. Anway Javi will drop someone's paperwork off for Mexico okay? So have you been to Mexico not really oh javi knows Mexico he thinks he's pretty smart haha? The rest of the day I was doing emails and replying to different cases I had a short shift today Because I needed to pack for Mexico. There I was writing out case notes until my door opened "I looked up it was Javi hey he smiled hey I looked up "I was wondering if you want to go for lunch with me okay "Great let's go "Javi walked first and I followed him "I know this great place they do amazing sandwiches really yeah. We arrived on walking so I want to get to know you a bit better okay "he smiled I felt he was a bit nervous in his voice "so what is your favourite colour hum their loads.
"Okay I love purple "It reminded me of my mum guess Javi looked did your mum like purple oh yes she used to wear it when I was little "What about urs I smiled "Good question red "Why I look confessed it reminds me of passion love and sexy "I burst out laughing really yeah why do you think what a bit dorky no javi "we finally reach the shop it smelt like homemade food and it was beautiful javi looked end pointed a sandwich he wanted thanks I got mine made "javi took his wallet out "I will pay I smiled no it's my treat are sure yes "thank you welcome "we carried on walking down to the local park "okay tell me something about you that no one knows. Okay, we both sit down "I like poems I looked at Javi what poems Shakespeare wow?
He looked at a bit of his sandwich " I hate pineapple on pizza." he laughed what so. funny you got source on your mouth he leaned in and wiped it thanks. Well, this has been nice yeah two friends hang out he laughs yeah "Well. we better be getting back yeah your right "Amelia yes you will find a guy who is going to love you thanks
"We walked back to the station and the rest of the day I got one with my work.
"Sarah walked in I seen you and Javi go out for lunch yeah so didn't you have fun yeah were just good friends you got a friend zone, yeah but I am happy with that

"7 pm at ns finishing my shift Sarah had to work till midnight I gather my thing and locked my office bye amelia Murph hugged me bye javi walked out bye.
"I got to my car and played a playlist great love songs came on just my luck "I arrived home microwaved meal TV on and sat eating my microwave meal." after that I decided to pack myself things in I decided to have an early night because it was an early flight tommorrow.

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