5. He took everything

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Be sure you've read last chapter, "4. Who calling?"

February 17, 2017 [continuing]

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February 17, 2017


Orion sat with his back against the hospital bed he laid chained and cuffed to— where he had been since the thirteenth...four days ago. He'd been hospitalized after his suicidal attempt that he almost succeeded on. Things were so bad that the prison had to send him out to be treated, he had to have an blood transfusion and that in itself was hard being he had an rare blood type. However the warden of the prison shared the same type as him and over the four years he treated Orion like a son so he had donated his blood to him without an question.

He needed to rest for 48 hours and Orion was due to go back today but he couldn't, the prison was now on lockdown and had been since a riot had broke out. The officers stationed outside of his door had told him all about it and how four other guards were stabbed to death, as well as eleven inmates. They'd told him how the men were looking for him and wanted him dead as well, although this wasn't the place to be— Orion was thankful he was in the hospital. If anybody had took his life it'd be himself.

The men hated him because he wasn't a pushover and every fight he had been in he had won— even against the topdog so he had a price on his head. They especially hated the special treatment the warden and officers gave him as well, men in there had nothing to lose and for the right price they'd do just about anything. All of their attempts failed, only one man had ever came close to killing Orion.

Orion had been out of general population for months now and had been living in solitary confinement per his request— he grew tired of literally fighting for his life daily.

"Answer bear," he mumbled to himself calling Nala for the sixth time in a row.

He knew that it was late and disrespectful to call another person's woman at these hours but under his circumstances he hoped that Kasim and Zuri wouldn't trip— atleast not too bad if they did. The two officers on duty to watch him tonight were ones that favored him and one of them had let him use their phone for the night until their twelve hour shift had ended in the morning. She had two phones so she wouldn't be missing out on anything letting him use the other for a while, they'd also brung him food and edibles since they wouldn't risk him trying to smoke a blunt. Orion was indeed spoiled by them.

Just about to hang up the phone it had connected and he stared blankly into the camera seeing that a visibly upset Kasim had appeared into the camera, "my bad for calling so late— Nala around?"

Kasim only handed her the phone, however Nala didn't pick it up right away. Instead she'd been talking to Kasim— well trying to talk to him in the background, Orion listened closely because from the way her voice cracked between each word he knew that she was crying and although he didn't know what was wrong he was ready to jump to her defense. He hated to ever see her cry and it had been that way since the first day he had seen her getting bullied back when he was eleven years old. He might've been too overprotective of her but it was for good reason.

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