22. So fuçkin' demanding

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Be sure you've read last chapter, "21. Just us,"

Also, excuse any mistakes. This is after a 12 hr work shift. Can't keep my eyes open lmao

 Can't keep my eyes open lmao

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March 27, 2017


Zuri huffed as she listened to the principal for Faith, Hope, and Joy.

This was her third time calling since they'd been at the school, and they hadn't even been there long.

It was starting to piss her off, today though—she wouldn't go by what those adults were telling her, she was going up there and they better had hoped they said the right shît to her.

For their sakes—and a bunch of five year olds too.

"I'll be up there, thank you for calling," she hung up in the middle of her complaining about fucking kindergarteners.

She sighed and looked over to Orion who had already had his eyes trained on her, "I hope you don't mind if we make a quick stop to triple threats school pa," she smiled at him and did a complete u turn in the middle of the street.

Today was Monday so they were officially back to the basics, Nala had resumed work and Kasim was currently away on a business trip until Wednesday.

Orion had got granted out time to by his parole officer, and had finally got a call back from Kasim's assistant letting him know that he got the job and he'd need to come do paper work today. Zuri was taking him to get a new bank account, do his paper work, and just have him tag along wherever she went.

Forcing him into vlogging with her, and doing TikToks all day.

"Nah, I'm cool. You don't seem too happy about it tho?" He chuckled, "fuck going on?"

"Since they've been there it's one thing after another, I told Taiwan's little ass to put them in a school with their people but his ass wanted them to be in the best school, like, I get it but they too young right now to be dealing with racist ass shît," she shook her head, "I understand I'm their legal guardian as of now but I don't want to undermine him and switch them schools cause he's been raising those girls since he was twelve you know? I ain't trying to overstep,"

She felt Orion rest his hand on her thigh when she began to get worked up, "in the end like you said' you're their legal guardian. You've been holding them together this far, if you feel they need to be in a different school then do that, little nigga gone have to understand' if he get outta hand I'll set him straight' do what's best for those kids' besides you know I hate bullying—now we about to go see what this principle talkin' about,"

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