10. The choice is made

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Be sure you've read last chapter, "9. Just believe me"

February 26, 2017

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February 26, 2017


Kasim unlocked the door to his mothers home, the smell of soul food invading his nostrils upon entering. Today was Sunday dinner, and as promised they had made it.

He, Nala, and Zuri had quickly took their shoes off and he had hung their coats, they were running behind for dinner and one thing that his mother didn't play about was missing dinners and/or being late to one, and they'd been excused last Sunday because of their vacation and Nala healing from her fractured ribs. This Sunday she wanted them there because she had someone that she wanted them to meet, Layla had been dating for a while now and she thought that it was time to finally introduce him to her children. She was nervous, especially for Kasim's reaction—after his own father and Lei's father he hadn't too much gave a fuck about her dating and had been hard on every man since, it was so bad that she had stopped dating entirely.

Kasim and Lei had seen so many men in and out of their lives, and as much as they loved her. That part of her life still hurt them, from being a sex worker to getting abused by her clients and turning to drugs. Her children never wanted her with another man if they had anything to do with it, Kasim especially because now that he was well off she didn't need any man—he'd take care of her until the day she died and would die protecting her. Layla knew that her children would shut down the idea of her dating, but felt as if she deserved happiness too and Lamar made her happy. He was different from what she went for and it took her a while to finally take a chance on him. He accepted her, and her past.

"Hey ma," Kasim walked to her and kissed her on the forehead, handing her the tulips he had gotten for her, "smells good in here," he eyed the kitchen.

"Hey mama Lay," both Zuri and Nala spoke, giving her a hug as well. "Sorry we're late, this morning has been a busy one," Zuri explained.

Layla smiled and hugged them both tightly, "you look nice by the way—what's the special occasion?" Nala asked, "somethings different around here,"

"Where Lei at?" Kasim asked, "who the extra place setting for? You expecting somebody?"

"Lei is upstairs getting ready sweetheart, and I do have someone I want you two to meet. We've been dating—"

"Nah," Kasim chuckled, "I don't want to meet no nigga, I came here to have a nice dinner. Sunday supposed to be about family, and as far as I'm concerned that nigga ain't family," he snapped.

Kasim truly didn't feel bad for his reaction, and growing up seeing his mother get mistreated daily by men had done that to him—he was a bit selfish when it came to her, or even when Lei started to date. He felt bad all of the times he couldn't physically protect his mother and vowed that she nor his sister would ever go through what they'd dealt with growing up—the mention of her dating again had triggered him and he automatically assumed the worst knowing the type of men his mother settled for. Layla knew that her children harbored a lot of pain from their childhood that they didn't speak on and the look on her sons face told her just how traumatized he was, although he hid it well. He was very much still hurt.

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