Chapter 1 : Jonathan Vermier

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Somewhere, in a restaurant in the center of Bescala city, there is a 25-year-old guy serving some hamburgers to a customer. This guy has blond and short hairs, a white skin, blond eyes, a thin body without being muscular, the height of a regular 25-year-old man. But he has some slow footwork, pale eyes, and feels like he doesn't want to be there and wants to go home. This guy is Jonathan Vermier.

After his workday, he walks toward his apartment, with a hood on his head, his hands on his black sweatshirt's pockets, and listening to some music in his air pods. When he bumps to someone by accident, he says "sorry" but with a weak voice, like if he's ill. When there is someone who wants to talk to him like someone who's represents an association, he ignores him and still walks to his place.

Arrived at his small apartment but big enough to have 2 people living here with only an old fridge, a place to cook, a small dining room and a bed for two peoples and looking like something made for poor people to live, Jonathan lies in his sofa, watching on his phone some news on the internet and on youtube, with the same mood he has from work. On one of his grey walls, there is a picture of him and a girl of the same age as him inside this apartment, smiling together like if it was their best day of their life. When he looks at it, he immediately turns back his head to his phone, and have some tears.

This girl on the photo is the former girlfriend of Jonathan. He met her when he was in university of Bescala, especially after a party one of his former friend from university organized, and managed to finish university together, and lived on the same apartment he's still living. But they broke up one months ago after some repeating dispute they have each other that got worse and worse after being graduated. His ex-girlfriend was always annoyed that he finds only small jobs, while Jonathan doesn't support her lazy attitude at home. Now, he's living alone, without any news from her, and what she's doing. He wants to forget about her but struggles to do it so. He could have thrown away his photo with her, but he hasn't done it yet.

The next day, when he just arrives at his workplace, the boss asks him to come to his room, and so Jonathan goes there. He sits down in front of him. Then, his boss says that he won't extend his contract at the end of the week like Jonathan asked him two months ago, while explaining him that his lack of motivation is the main reason of his decision, despite saying that he's doing a good job. Jonathan nods with his usual down mood, like if he doesn't want to lose his job but knew that it would have happened anyway whenever he likes or not. And so, he goes back to his work, with his usual mood.

Then, one week later, instead of going to work, he's staying at home, looking for a job on his phone, his back on the sofa, like a depressed guy who is living on an endless cycle of a desperate life. Later, he receives a letter from an official agency, then reads it. It's saying that he passed his delay to pay for the apartment he's currently living, and that he's going to be kicked out of it in one week. Jonathan sighs like if he's used to this kind of letter and prepares his bags with his stuffs and food he's going to take, like if he's going on a trip to an exotic place.

One day before he's living his apartment, he receives a letter, but without the name of the one who sent it him. And when he opens it, he notices that there are ticket trains, with a map and a letter. When he reads the letter, he's completely confused. It's the first time someone wants him to come to a village, and without mentioning who his name. But since he won't have any place to live until now, he takes the bags he prepared and then walks toward the train stations.

For one hours, he takes the train, then arrives to a small town called Isgela. Then, by using the map, he's walking for long hours, where, when the night is there, goes sleeping under a tree, then wakes up and continues his walk after the sun rises. After 2 days of walk, he arrives at the destination, Ahru town.

End chapter 1 

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