Chapter 6 : The mysterious man

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The man looks like he's on his mid 50's too. He doesn't have a single hair on his head, and on the part of the skin not covered by his clothes, there is a lots of heavy burns mark on his skin. On one of his fingers in his left hand, there is a golden-like ring. He has a light bag with just some stuff to sleep. The man introduces himself as Parson, coming from Eskola city. He tells them that he's married to a woman on her 40's with one daughter, and he's about to have twin with her in some months. He doesn't have a job, so he's currently a house husband. He came at Ahru village because he needs to take some days off after he and his wife got into a dispute.

When Jonathan heard this, he starting to remember his moments where he got into dispute with his ex. Lucia immediately goes to his bedroom to do something, while Louise puts her groceries bag on the table and invites Parson to sit down on a chair she puts for him, then goes to her room.

- "Er... Mister Parson, I'm wondering, how did you get burned?" Edouarda asks Parson.

- "I don't remember when I got those burn marks." Parson says.

- "What do you mean by that you don't remember?" Edouarda asks a bit confused.

- "I remember 16 years ago waking up into a hospital, but I didn't know why I was doing there, and why I have those burnt mark" Parson says while scratching his head. "But on the flip side, If I was never burnt, I would have never met my beautiful wife."

- "So, he's just like Jonathan and myself." Edouarda thinks. "He has lost part of his memories too."

- "Have you been in Ahru village before" Jonathan asks by curiosity, which surprised Edouarda.

- "No, it's my first time coming here" Parson says. "I've never heard about this village before until I receive a letter just the next day after my wife went to her parents' home with my daughter, asking me to come here if I wasn't feeling well."

- "What a weird timing" Edouarda says. "Jonathan received the letter one day before he was forced to leave his home, myself one day after I learned that I was adopted, while you receive just the day after your wife left you."

- "She didn't leave me" Parson says. "She just needed some time alone. That's all"

- "My bad my bad" Edouarda says. "But anyway. Don't you all feel like we receive our letter in a such perfect timing?"

- "I think this is just a coincidence." Jonathan says.

- "3 perfect timing, and you think this is just a coincidence?" she says to Jonathan. "If it happens once, or maximum twice, yeah, I can understand the coincidence. But three time? It's bigger than coincidence, it's like someone have planned for us to come."

- "That's indeed strange" Parson says while thinking.

- "But didn't you say that we have a both different people who wrote to us the letters" Jonathan asks a bit confused.

- "Your brain is finally becoming bigger" Edouarda says. "But yeah, you remember well, but still. By the way Mr Parson, do you still have your letter on you?"

- "Yeah, why do you want this?" he asks while giving her his letter.

Edouarda reads his letter while also reading hers. Then she tells Parson that they both have a similar writer of those letters. Parson is completely confused and asks her how she can know this. Edouarda explains that her letter and his have the same handwriting. And so, she can easily deduct about that. Parson is impressed by Edouarda's deduction then tells her that he wished that his eldest daughter was as smart as her.

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