Chapter 15 : The confrontation

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At the town center, every villager is gathering in front of the town hall. By the look of their face, they look angry, waiting for someone to come here. And then, there is a scared guy who's aged around 34-35 years old, with a beautiful costar and trouser like if he's going to meet the president in person, but covered of sweat and dirt, with short blond hairs and a beautiful white skin. This guy is actually Martin. Then, when the inhabitants notice him, they're making a circle around him.

- "Hey what are you all doing?" Martin says with an angry but scared face and voice. "Give me my money back and leave me alone!"

- "Did you think we're going to let you walk like this after the dirt you've done to us, you idiot?" one angry villager says with a small scythe on his right hand.

- "It's not even my fault to begin with! It's my parent's fault! It's your fault if the village collapsed! Never my fault!" he says.

- "You really have some guts to say that" a villager says with a hammer on her hand.

- "I'm telling you the truth! Why can't you understand me?" Martin says, panicking more.

Suddenly, the crowd around him become silents with a general murderous look at him. Then, Martin starts to panic more and more then yells at them that he needs his money back, or he's calling the police. But no one says a world. So, Martin uses his phone to call the police, but he doesn't hear the sound that means that the police office's phone is ringing. So, he looks at his phone, and notices that it's impossible to call them from here, which makes him panic even more.

Then, Jouva gets out of the crowd, then walks toward Martin with a determinate face.

- "Wh..Who are you?" Martin says.

- "Come on Martin, did you forget who I am?" Jouva says with a bittersweet smile. "I though you remember your first love."

- "My... ... First love?" Martin says. "I have never a love called Jouva!"

- "Oh, so you remember my name" Jouva says.

- "N-n-no-no-no, this isn't what I meant!" Martin says panicking a lot.

- "Martin, welcome to the tribunal of the village" Jouva says with a smile. "We're going to be judged for our crime against the village."

- "But I'm telling that I'm innocent!" Martin says. "Yeah! I remember now! You are the one who put this town on accident! I remember no-"

- "WE put the village on fire and on PURPOSE" Jouva says with a scary but confident smile. "WE are the culprit. You're not going to escape this time."

- "Are you f$cking stupid?" Martin says while yelling at her. "I. AM. IN.NO.CENT. What part didn't you understand?"

- "Okay then" she says calmly while raising her finger to the sky.

Martin doesn't understand why she is doing this, then there is Samy who comes out of the crowd, then explains what he witnessed on the night of the wildfire. But the more he speaks about their methods on how they created that wildfire, Martin sees on his mind the scenes with the wildfire he created, then tells him to shut up more and more, louder and louder. To a point where, he runs toward him then punches him. But his fist only goes inside then outside of the body of Samy, and feels nothing but air, while he continues his testimony. Martin starts to get scared more and more.

And after Samy finishes his testimony, Martin stays silent, the eyes wide open, and shivering more.

- "He's lying" Martin says with a low voice. "He's lying! I'm telling you! He's lying!"

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