Chapter 14 : The plan

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When the moon is at his highest on the sky, Jonathan runs to the townhall with a determinate but tired and want-to-sleep face. And when he arrives in the townhall, Jonathan knocks at the door, then it opens, and he goes inside. There he finds Edouarda with a cup of coffee and on her computer taping something.

- "Hi there Jonathan, wants some drink?" she asks while giving him a cup of energetic drink.

- "Sure thing" he says while taking the cup and drinks it. "So, what's the pl-"

- "Hold up Jonathan" she interrupts Jonathan while tapping on her computer. "We have to wait for someone to arrive."

- "Oh, okay" Jonathan says.

Later, a guy arrives with a bag where there is inside a lot of money inside. Jonathan is surprised and asks the guy what he is doing with that money.

- "Oh, hello Salomon" Edouarda says. "How much did you get?"

- "Around 200K of euros" Salomon says.

- "Wait what" says Jonathan surprised. "How did you get that money."

- "I stole it from Martin bank account" Salomon says with a big smile.

- "Nice Salomon. Okay, I'll put this money to Jouva's parent house" Edouarda says.

- "Understood" Salomon says while leaving the bag of money next to her and walks away. "Let's hope it'll work."

- "It will Salomon" Edouarda says.

- "Wait, why are you stealing money from him?" Jonathan asks. "Aren't we going to be in trouble."

- "Relax Jonathan. I got everything in control." Edouarda says. "Plus stealing the money is part of the plan."

- "Wait what?" Jonathan thinks while he tries to panic a bit.

- "Let me explain it as I promised" she says. "Martin is someone who cares about money. And our first step is to make him come to the village. So that's why Salomon stole the money from him. And if you wonder why I asks Salomon, well... when ghosts go outside of the Ahru town area, they become invisible and able to fly, and Salomon have some knowledge on thief's job. So, he managed to get his credit card code and stole his money from his bank and bringing back home. And if a ghost stays too long outside of Ahru town, he'll be teleported back there, so no worries of being followed just in case"

- "O...Okay" Jonathan says while not feeling well.

- "Admit it, you didn't think I'll go that far" she says while smiling.

- "N...No" Jonathan says with a low voice.

- "And don't worry, I know stealing is wrong, but this is the best way I find to get him here" she says. "And also, a steal without getting the police investigating this case is not a crime. Now this is done, can you help me bringing the bag of money to Jouva's home please?"

- "Okay" he says after taking a breath and thinking to himself to motivate him.

Then, Edouarda puts the computer on her bag, and with Jonathan takes the money toward Jouva's place. When Jonathan knocks the door up, there is Jouva's mom who opens it, sees the bag then uses her head to tell them to come inside.

Inside the place, Jouva's mom asks them to put the bag inside a box with lots of clothes. Then, when it's done, she gives to Edouarda a mysterious letter. The same kind she and Jonathan received when they come toward Ahru village for the first time. Then, they go back to sleep at the town hall.

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