Chapter 13 : Martin Solas

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In their discussion, Jouva asks Jonathan why he helped a criminal like her. Jonathan scratches his head, looking for a logical answer, but nothing came to his mind. He just says that he's feeling like she needed help. Jouva is kind of disappointed and doesn't pursuit that conversation further. But in her disappointment, she has a little smile and a small blush. Then they're starting to talk about Martin.

- "Why do you want to talk about him with me?" Jonathan asks.

- "Talking about him with you will makes me and my family better" she says. "And perhaps it'll help you two to understand him since you don't remember him."

- "I remember him" Jonathan says. "It's just that I never interacted with him."

- "Ah yeah that's right. You were a child back then. My bad" she says a bit embarrassed. "It's just... he was so special for me... ... He was the perfect guy I can dream of... ..."

- "What do you mean by that?" Jonathan says.

- "He was... ... A beautiful person... ... A farm boy who works on the field when the sun is at his highest... ... That's my perfect guy" she says with a little smile fading away progressively. "If only I could have seen sooner beyond his looks... ..."

- "That happens to everyone Jouva" Jonathan says while trying to pat her back even if he doesn't feel anything. "We thought that we loved someone because of certain things, but in the end, it doesn't work out because there is more to something we know."

- "Yeah, you're right... .... I just realized too late what kind of a person he is" Jouva says with a sad face, with tear. "I didn't know that he hated our village and was ready to destroy it... .... And I followed him like a... ...."

- "Jouva, it's okay" he says while hugging her even if he doesn't feel anything. "You can stop now if you aren't ready."

- "Don't worry Jonathan" Jouva says with a little smile. "I'll be fine."

- "If... .... You say so" Jonathan says, a bit worried about her.

- "Yeah... ... I was too blinded by my love to him that... ... It leaded me to do... ... atrocious thing... ...."

- "But did you meet his parents" Jonathan asks.

- "Yeah, I did" she answers. "They were nice parents... ... Wait.... .... There was... .... Something off with them... ...."

- "What do you mean by that?" Jonathan asks.

- "When I was with them... .... They tried to make thing works for Martin and me... ... ... .... .... Like if their life depended on my love to their son... .... .... " She says while having her eyes wide open, like if she discovered a horrible secret.

- "What?" Jonathan thinks, confused and shocked.

- "They... ... told me secrets about him... what he likes... .... ... and all of the stuffs that only him knows.... .... And they tried to make me... ... going further than love with him... ..." She says horrified. "Martin's hate for this village... ... ... I understand now... .... .... I remember.... Yeah... .... .... His father wanted him to inherit his farm... .... But Martin... .... He just wanted to get out of the village... ... And become successful outside.... .... ..... ..... Why was I so stupid... ..."

Jonathan hugs her one more time, even if the only thing he touches is the air of the house. Jonathan says that it's okay, that she doesn't need to go further and that she has done a great job. Jouva is surprised by those words, then hugs back, with a big smile and tears. Jonathan asks if she's feeling better. Jouva nods then says that she's feeling better now, then thanks him.

Then, Jonathan reveals to Jouva that he went on a similar love case, except the fact that his girlfriend didn't betray him, or she didn't put Bescala city on fire. He admits that him too was blinded by love of her beauty, but they broke up weeks ago because they didn't work out together. Jouva is surprised and feels like they've been in the same boat.

- "Now I'm wondering, did your parents knew about all of this?" Jonathan asks.

- "The fact that I was dating Martin, yeah" she says. "But what his parents did to us, no"

- "Are you going to tell them?" Jonathan asks.

- "Not yet" she answers with a smile. "I just need to proceed what I've discovered. That's all."

Jouva sighs with a smile, whispering to herself that she wished to be alive and have a much older body. Jonathan doesn't understand why she whispers that. Then, Jouva says that she needs to go because she has to wake up early for her next punishment work, then she goes away, saying that they can meet each other another time to Jonathan, which he responds back by saying that it's a sure thing.

Later, Alys sits next to Jonathan.

- "Geez Jonathan" she says while smiling. "You really make friends with strange women."

- "Seriously mom?" he asks annoyed.

- "I'm just kidding" she says while laughing a bit.

- "You really need to work on your mom joke" Jonathan says while sighing. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

- "Oh, I just want to ask you what you are going to do after we'll judge the other murderer" she asks.

- "I'm going to stay in the village and perhaps helps dad on his bakery" Jonathan says. "It's the only home I have now, but I'm pretty sure you already know that."

- "You don't want to go to live with Edouarda at Eskola city?" she asks.

- "We're friends, mom. Not lovers" Jonathan says.

- "Well... ... if that's your choice... ... okay then" Alys says with a bittersweet smile.

- "What's wrong mom?" Jonathan asks. "Did I do something bad to you?"

- "No no, it's just... .... Are you really okay to live with ghosts like us?" Alys says. "Don't you want... .... To try again a new life somewhere else besides here?"

- "Why are you asking stuff like that?" Jonathan asks. "Did something happen between us where I wasn't aware?"

- "No no no... ..." Alys says while searching for words. "It's Just... ... ... What if we aren't here anymore? Are you going to live in a desert town like Ahru?"

- "Then, I'm going to find a way to turn you all back human" Jonathan says. "I'll promise you."

- " .... Okay" Alys says in shock and without way to responds him. "A-A-Anyway, can you help me with the dinner please?"

Then, Jonathan prepares the table while Alys is cooking the meal for Gustav and Junia. And then, when the two of them arrives, they eat their usual dinner, prepares themselves and then goes to sleep.

The next day, while Jonathan is thinking about where he can find a way to turn the ghosts into humans, Edouarda arrives in front of Alys's home, waves to Jonathan, who waves back and comes outside of the home.

- "So Edouarda, is your plan ready?" Jonathan asks.

- "Yup, my plan to get Martin here is ready" Edouarda says with a smile. "And geez, it took me more than one week to do it."

- "So, what's the plan" Jonathan asks with determination.

- "I'll tell you about this tonight, when the moon is at his highest on the sky, at the major's townhall. Understood?"

- "Understood" Jonathan says.

End chapter 13

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