Chapter 9 : The last mystery

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The next day, after Jonathan takes his breakfast with Gustav and Junia then left the house, Edouarda waited for him nearby his home. They fist bump each other with their knuckles, then they walk toward the center of the town.

- "Are you going back at your place?" Jonathan asks.

- "That's what I thought since I've finally met my father" she answers while having her hands behind her head. "But I want to stay a bit longer, since there is still a mystery I want to resolve."

- "Which one?" he asks.

- "Why can't you make your brain work for this time" Edouarda says with a smile.

- "I just can't see where there is a mystery now" he says. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked you."

- "Did you just forget the other strange things that happened in this town?" she asks a bit concerned. "About the ghost, their reaction when da- I mean Parson, used his lighter? No?"

- "Sorry, I can't see the mystery about it" he says while scratching his head.

- "Oh, come on Jonathan!" she says disappointed. "You can't be that dumb to not see this."

- "Whatever" he says while rolling his eyes. "So, what is the mystery you're talking about?"

- "It's about how did they die in the first place." she says while thinking. "Why are they ghosts now, why do they have PTSD syndromes with the fire, then why I can't remember their death."

- "Now I'm thinking about it, I don't remember how dad, mom and big sis died too" Jonathan says while thinking. "So, there is still a part of our memories we still haven't unlocked yet."

- "You're correct" she says. "Want to help me?"

- "What a dumb question" he says while taking Edouarda's left arm with a big smile "Of course I'm going to help you."

- "Thanks Jonathan" she says with a smile. "And hope your little brain will help us out."

- "My little brain will always help you out" he says.

In their walk, they stop in front of the school of the town, then they start to remember some memories about when they went to class together. They remember that, in their school years, they liked competing against each other about who have the best grade on a test. And when they talk by writing on a paper, they give to each other without getting caught by their teacher. They also remember 3 other friends of their age they have too, who were Samy, a guy who likes playing ball games, Justine, who likes cooking food from her farm and playing ball, and Samantha who likes to talk and watches her friend playing ball. They're wondering if they're still alive or are now ghosts. Then, Edouarda asks Jonathan if they want to go inside the school. Jonathan is surprised while saying that there are still people at schools and that they can't do that. Then Edouarda asks him if he's a scared mouse while giving him a naughty smile. Jonathan asks her if they can come back another time. Edouarda sighs then agrees with Jonathan on that point.

Then, they go to the park, and sits on the bench, where they're talking about what are they going to resolve their mystery by knowing what kind of intel they need. Then, they return back home, while promising themselves to go to school later. At Jonathan's host home,

- "Mom, can I ask you a question." Jonathan says.

- "Sure, what is it?" Alys responds while reading her book.

- "Do you remember how you died?" Jonathan says.

- "Oh, er... Okay" she says while being surprised by that question. "Well... In the middle of our sleep, our house crumbled under us because of a wildfire."

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