21. future

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-time skip to 5 years-
-Yn pov-
Me and taehyung made it official to armies after 1year of us dating. They already were suspecting us dating but yea we made it official. It's been 5 years of us being together. He proposed me on 20 may last year and we got married! I was so happy i can't describe it. We got a lot of love from armys and our families. As you all know , taehyung wants 5 kids and he didn't wasted any time in starting after our marriage. We were blessed with a girl and now I'm pregnant again😭. We r so happy to be parents now! Im so happy we met on Starbucks that day. Imagine telling our kids that we first met at Starbucks lol.
-third person pov-
Yn and taehyung were blessed with a boy this time and they continued to populate planet earth 💀. They lived happily ever after. Till there last breaths , both loved eachother till the moment they died.


Story finished guys! Hope y'all liked it <3.

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