𝙖𝙡𝙥𝙝𝙖𝙗𝙚𝙩 𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙨

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𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙎𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 - Take Care by Drake & Rihanna 

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𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙎𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 - Take Care by Drake & Rihanna 

|The same day back at home|

While at home Samarrira was in bed making a surprise for Brookyln with the little time she has before her girlfriend comes in the room whining about how much the game is "cheating." Which wasn't true she just doesn't want to admit she's losing at the game.  Samarrira hums a song as she can hear Brookyln yelling at her teammates over the headset. After a few minutes of Brookyln acting like a toddler she burst into the room practically crying about losing the game. Samarrira: I didn't think of you as the type to be a sore loser. she chuckles as she puts another bead on the clear wire string. Brookyln: I'm not my team wasn't shit. she says picking up one of the beads rolling it in the palm of her hand. Samarrira: Aw is the baby to take a nap?  Brookyln rolls her eyes throwing the bead at Samarrira head but misses letting it land on the carpet.  Brookyln looked at how fast  Samarrira was putting the beads onto the wires finishing the bracelets quickly. Brookyln: You trying to put those fingers for use on something else?  She says holding out her arm Infront of Samarrira. She rolls her hands putting the bracelets on her arm Brookyln looks at one of them seeing it had both their names on it with a pink heart in the middle. Samarrira: You know how you said earlier that I can go back anytime I want?  Brookyln sighs as she gets up getting Samarrira suitcases.   Samarrira: Brook... I'm not leaving... I thought about it, and I feel like I be being overprotective over Zah.  Brookyln: Thats good you're not leaving me but you're just now realizing how protective you are? I know she's like a sister to you, but you need to let her figure things out for herself. Samarrira: Yeah, I do and I'm going to start doing that. Brookyln: I'm happy you have the courage to let her go from the nest.  Samarrira nods her head in agreement but had this sinking feeling something was wrong with Brookyln. Samarrira: So, are you going to tell me what's wrong or just sweep it under the rug? Brookyln: You really can see right through me.  It's just the other night a number I didn't recognize kept calling and texting you. Samarrira looks at Brookyln with smirk trying not to ruin the moment by laughing at her.  Samarrira: I'm not cheating on you Brook the number you kept seeing was a friend of mine her name is Dammarira.  Samarrira  handed her unlocked phone to Brookyln sitting next to her on the bed. Brookyln: I don't want to go through your phone Marrira I completely put my trust in you. Samarrira: You better I would be a dummy to cheat on you. Samarrira couldn't sleep much that night with the thought of Brookyln thinking Samarrira was a cheater.  I mean come on Samarrira Averionna Hart I could never cheat on anyone... Well, she did cheat on one of her ex's but there was a reason and after that relationship she could never have the thought of cheating again. In the end did Brookyln understand like Samarrira understood?  even though Brookyln said she still trust Samarrira did she only say that to make her feel better or could she still trust her? Thoughts like this kept Samarrira up at night and Brookyln could always tell they did.  Brookyln: What's keeping you up now Marrira? she says sitting up turning on the bed table light. Samarrira: You think I'm cheater, don't you? Brookyln: Samarrira what made you think I think your cheater? I know they say once a cheater always a cheater but that doesn't apply to you, I can see you've grown from back then.  I understand were your coming from I truly do but in honestly, I don't think your capable of even having the thought of cheating on me.  Samarrira: I really do love you but what do you mean I'm not capable of cheating on you?  Brookyln lets out a fake yawn turning off her light laying back down Brookyln: We'll save that for another conversation my love. |2: 20 PM Backstage|

Brookyln dragged Samarrira to come with her to her last set for her concert while backstage Samarrira helped Brookyln with her outfit or at least tried to. Samarrira: I'm not letting you go out there in all black outfit looking like you just walked out of the damn Matrix.  It's way too hot to be dressing like that. Brookyln:  What's wrong with the Matrix? I can say the same about you you're in more layers than me if were being honest. Samarrira: Shut the fuck up and wear the outfit I left out for you. Brookyln didn't say anything but smile at Samarrira as she starts to change into her other outfit. Samarrira: See just looking at your outfit now doesn't make me hot anymore. Brookyln: You sound just like my mom  Marrira. she says opening the door for Samarrira. Samarrira: That's such a sweet compliment. Meanwhile the two take a walk backstage getting stopped by an eager interviewer.  Brookyln of course agreed to do the short interview for the girl live stream. Samarrira stood next to Brookyln holding her hand the whole interview. Once it was over It was time for both of them to go their separate ways Brookyln gives Samarria a kiss going on stage hyping the crowd up more. While she watched Brookyln perform, she felt someone tap on her shoulder and saying something to her she knew the voice but didn't who it belonged to Stanger: Been awhile since we seen each other Samarrira.  She turned around seeing it was tana.  Samarrira: It has been a while since we saw each other! Didn't know you were performing today, Wait did you bring Zah with you? Tana: Yea, I'm performing tonight, but since you brought her up I 'm sure you know about us being on and off... Samarrira: Yeah, I know I'm give you a little advice buying her gifts isn't communicating another thing Zah is big on " If one man don't do it another one will."  So, Tana if you truly love my friend like you say you do then you'll be able to do just that. Samarrira left tana by himself the seriousness in her voice with the advice.   When walking outside she saw her old friend Dammarira waiting in line for a drink her friend looks over seeing Samarrira not her usually self Dammarira lets the person in front of her as she goes to her friend.  Dammarira: Sam Sam !  What's wrong you look so... unlovely. she says taking a seat next to Samarrira on the bench. Samarrira: I see your still stuck up. she says rolling her eyes why're you here anyway? Don't tell me you're stalking me. Dammarira: Bitch you're not that interesting to be stalking if were being real. Anyway, I know you saw my calls and shit. why didn't you answer any of them?  Samarrira: I didn't respond to them because I was busy. Dammarira: mhmm okay Sam. Tell me is it true you're dating a rapper? hopefully they fine and not some unattractive ass nigga. Samarrira was starting to get irritated by the remarks of her friend. Samarrira: yes, I'm dating a rapper and she's very attractive! Dammarira was shocked at how irritated Samarria was getting she clearly didn't mean anything she said. before she could apologize Samarria was already caught up in the crowd nowhere to be seen.  |After the show|   All Samarrira wanted to do was be shoulder to shoulder with her girlfriend during the ride home while Brookyln placed soft kisses on her playing on her Nintendo Sounds like a dream, right? All dreams must come to end because Brookyln fans weren't leaving without autograph, pictures, video's even giving Brookyln different types of gifts.  Brookyln was thankful for all the gifts, but she could feel how anxious Samarria was getting. In a situation like this, Brookyln put her girlfriend firsts she takes her last picture with a fan as she rolls her window letting her driver know she was ready to go.  Brookyln moves closer to her  Samarrira trying to confide in her.  Samarrira: I hope you know as soon as we get home we're going to sleep.   Brooklyn was confused on who we were since she played on taking a shower and playing the game. Brookyln: yeah, I know Marrira.

Not my best chapter I written but I had to get a chapter out even while sick. 

Shoutout to my friend for helping me write Dammarira dialogue! 

I thought about going into details about Samarrira past, but I'll do that in a later chapter. 

Header done by me! 

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter my loves! 

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