Chapter 22

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I'm not dead if anyone is wondering, just got sick, slightly depressed, and didn't want to deliver shit so....

Hope you enjoy!

Street lamps littered the streets, although most of them didn't work and the ones that did only flickered oddly once in a while. The streets were trashed and nearly every building was run down. It was a forgotten and secluded place, one that was neglected and used by the Authorities. Ember and vigilantes roamed this place, while the residents stayed silently locked inside of their homes in fear.

And even though this place was where low-tiers only go to, she was here, a high-tier. Mostly because she was a vigilante, patrolling around with both Blyke and Isen. It's about her fiftieth time doing this, and they were nearly done with patrol (at least she thought so). She was hoping to collapse into bed and sleep for the next twelve hours soon. Her strained muscles supported her wants as she continued to walk side by side with the others.

She huffed, a puff of air slowly fading away as she stared at it in pure boredom.

The cold was becoming much more apparent with every patrol that came. Because of this she had to use her ability much more to keep herself warm, and also unfortunately see the other two freeze since they were unable to do such a thing with their ability.

Well, that's what she would have said a while ago but now it isn't much of a problem since they had been experimenting a bit through patrol and after a couple of zaps she's now a portable heater for the two.

Because of this revelation, she was in the middle of them, holding each by their hand, and concentrating on pulsing small amounts of electricity to their bodies. Which was quite hard for her since she was used to going all out and whenever it came to absorbing electricity her body is much more resistant than Blyke's or Isen's. So there was a lot of trial and error on that one since she thought that they could handle the same dosage as herself.

A familiar beeping sound interrupted her thoughts and she stopped herself from taking another step. The beeping that signified the end of patrol. It came from Isen's phone and he raised it up triumphantly, probably happy for the long night to come to an end.

"We're going," Isen smiled, before turning off the methodical beeping with his right hand since his left one was occupied by her hand.

"Fucking finally," Blyke sighed, before turning over to her, "Well, let's go."

"Alright," She answered, before seeing Blyke break hand contact and start running over a one story building. He jumped, gripping onto the ledge and pulling himself up.

She followed, with Isen slightly behind her and soon they were jumping from roof to roof making their way back to the dorms. Of course they took slight breaks once in a while to catch our breaths and let's just say there were some extra grabs at her hands for warmth once in a while.

They soon arrived back at the dorms after an hour of parkour across the roofs and after saying her goodbyes she slithered her way back inside the girls dorms. Removed her costume and coloured lenses, took a shower, and fell into bed. The soft reminder in the back of her head that today was a Wednesday and she must wake up early tomorrow to attend to her duties as Queen once again.


Thursday morning was one that she did not enjoy, but she harbored through the soreness and tiredness and was able to get out as usual. Of course this time though, she was wearing a bit of concealer for her eyebags. Not too much to make it seem like she had it on since she usually didn't wear any but enough to get rid of the suspicious eye glances in the hallway.

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