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I spit the toothpaste and glare at my teeth before rinsing my mouth. He walks out of the shower, wiping his wet face with a white tiny towel held around his tattooed neck. While I rinse my mouth, he cages me unintentionally and contours his stubble.

"Excuse me, I want to..." I stutter.

"Wait." He interrupts, clipping an arm to his waist bone as he uses the other to crop his light beards up. The electric razor buzzes annoyingly.

"Can I pass?" I finally manage to ask. His eye pesters me as I find myself staring back at it through the bathroom mirror. I can't quite tell if it's a smirk or my imagination that envelops his defined lower lip.

"You can pass." He says extending his physique to let me get a 'Bella view' of it , and to pass. It's not like I'd never seen a man half naked before but this kind, I'd never. He has features that are tormentingly enticing and it's annoying.

My ear brushes lightly against his chest, making it a bit wet since he's from the bathroom

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My ear brushes lightly against his chest, making it a bit wet since he's from the bathroom. It's supposed to make me feel a little cold but instead, the touch is chilly making me shiver a bit. I'm glad I'm out of his sight. At least he doesn't notice the light blush that warms up my face.

A light grin curls my lip up making me shake my head . He comes out a while after I've swayed into bed and walks to his room sized closet and opens it, its light automatically turning themselves on. He searches for the right shirt to wear as I admire his dorsal muscles that have tensed as he runs his long fingers into the hangers, swiping them aside.

"Fuck." His curse comes out as a sigh.

"An issue?" I ask, distracting myself with my phone. I don't want him to see that I am looking at his naked torso.

"I can't find my shirt."

"What color is it?" I flash a look at him and then back to my phone. It's a short one but I noticed a growing underestimating smirk on his perfect lips. He chuckles it off. I refuse to stare at him though I can feel his glance drilling into me. My legs are folded in front of me.


"Tell me." I say, getting out of bed and heading for the bathroom. I clutch the knob and twist it swiftly as I enter the warm room. A smell of lavender shampoo floats in the air that I inhale deeply. A little smile appears on my face.

I empty my bladder in a matter of seconds and pull my hoodie down. I'm reminded of how short the shit actually is. Well, alone or with Richard , I can even spend days naked but here, at least I need to fancy him for being my boss. Though he has the dumbest ideas and drinks expensive champagnes.

I flush water in the toilet and walk towards the bathroom mirror for one last glance at myself.

'Jude didn't deserve you.' A voice in my head tells me as I blink back the tears forming at the sharp corners of my eyes.

I sway back in bed and cover my legs with the white soft blankets. They smell like heaven and they're moderately cool. I inhale deeply, worshipping the intake of air I just made. Masculine cologne or some really good smelling laundry detergent fills my lungs.

"So, your...ex-lover?" He says, hesitant. His whole gaze is on his phone . Thank God he has a shirt on, otherwise I could have installed a tent in the bathroom.

"What lover?" I ask, trying to process what shit he's talking about.

"The one you pregnant." His whole concern is still on his phone. I can't stand this shit he's obviously implying to. I realize what he meant . I hadn't, earlier.
Silly Me!

"It's fine if you don't feel comfortable telling me."

I bless him with silence as I lay my head on a pillow and press my eyelids together to find sleep. Luckily, that is something God has blessed me with. I hear him exhale sometimes. It's kind of cute.

I wake up in the morning and adjust to the light coming out of the outside because of the pulled curtains. I give my eyes some merciless scrubs before getting out of bed and reaching out for my phone. Mr.Delaware comes out of the bathroom fully dressed, tightening his strapped tie and running his long slim fingers in his hair, before putting it into a baby bun.

"Get ready quickly. We're running out of time." He tells me checking his icy wristwatch.

Hesitantly, I get out of his bed and a soft yawn plasters itself on my lips. I'm still tired to be honest. I need more sleep. I tried contacting a nearby hospital and booked an appointment when I got the occasion. The day given was today. I wore a black high top neck top with straps that try to hide the revealed back and a pretty arona women suit .


I don't know why I feel horrible about getting into my office. But it's probably because Shawn is going to hang in the vicinity. Which one is shitty!

"Good morning Trisha Maine." A voice mumbles behind me as I enter the elevator.

"Speak of the devil." I whisper to myself in annoyance.

He chuckles lightly, pressing the close button. I hate that he's still got the nerve to laugh at me though I'd said mean things to his ass. He's an asshole.

I exhale sharply as I sit down in my office. I guess my workmates will never accept me as one of theirs. I mean, I get their point. Mr.Delaware is really intimidating. I shake my head at thought of his eye last night.

"Knock knock!" A slim girl with the most beautiful bun comes in with a coffee plastic cup.

"I'm Lisa." She shakes my hand friendly. "Mr.De Vil sent me to offer this to you on his behalf." Her English is very expensive and chic.

She offers me the coffee hesitantly and I receive it. I suck the coffee smell in my nostrils and exhale with a smile.

"It's so nice of you to carry it here." I tell her .

"Nah! It's okay." She shoves it aside. "Oh! I almost forgot! Here's a note he wrote for you."

She gives me a sticky note that's encrypted with an "enjoy the little things!" message. I smile at it.

"You guys are so cute together!" She finally confesses. I could feel that she wanted to tell it to me a while ago and had failed to line her words up.

"Thank you."

She turns and leave with a smile on her wide curvy lips.

A/N: y'all I'm so sorry for the late update but I'm sure you'll love this part..

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