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Trisha's POV

I sigh and get up.

"You'll have some fun, I promise."

I roll my eyes and follow him.

"Where are we going ?" I ask, not excited at all.

He looks down at me and a dirty smirk escapes his beautiful pink lips.

I bite mine not to return the smile.

"David told me that Chani has grown so I thought we'd check on her. After all, we're bringing her home in a few months."


I'm surprised that he'd think of this. I thought he'd rub his money on my eyeballs and impress me with all the sex tricks he can do but this is pretty thoughtful of him.

He unlocks the car and I get in. He also does.

The hospital isn't that far from our workplace so we reach there before it closes.

Isaac holds my hand as we walk inside the immense building. It looks more like a modern castle. It's beautiful!

We wait for the nurse to give us visiting cards and he takes me to Chanisse's chamber.

The ceiling has a pretty chandelier with orange lights and the walls have pretty stickers on them. The incubator she's in, has some light to keep her warm. Her beautiful features have started to form.

"She's beautiful." I say, admiring her limbs.

"And very healthy." David interrupts, patting Isaac's back. "Son, ready to be a dad?"

"I was born ready." Isaac says, hugging the short old man.

"With her health records, it's quite promising that she's going to make it out of here." David reassures, caressing his white beard.

"I really hope so."

David smiles.

"I'll give you a moment."

He walks out and closes the door behind him.

"I'm proud of you baby. She's going to be the prettiest baby girl ever." He kisses my forehead.

I just want to punch myself and remind my stupid mind that he not only wanted me to abort but also cheated on me! But I can't. I love him even more than I did before. And I will never forgive myself for that. I am literally the most indecisive person I know.

My phone chimes suddenly.

I take it out of my pocket, to see Rick's text. I smile. I have a lot to tell him. He knows that Isaac cheated but the rest will shock his ass. I still can't believe that I'm the one living this labyrinth of nightmares and sweet dreams.

-Hey peach. Do not tell me you made out with that cheater again!

I roll my eyes and excuse myself to go talk to Ricky.

-You're free for a call?

I text back, already dialing his phone number.

"(Yawns) peach! Let me guess, you did!"

" but we're kinda cool now."

"Ugh! Why does he have to make you obsessed."

I scoff.

"I'm not obsessed."

"Girl?! You can't even brag about it! We all know I'm right!"

"Can we talk? Like for real this time."

"Is everything okay? Why does this sound like you're breaking up with me."

I laugh. He has a sense of humor that I like. He can turn anything into sarcasm or a joke.

"I got raped."

"That piece of... I knew I shouldn't have let you go to his room.

"No. Chani's dad raped me."

He doesn't say anything. He just exhales.


"Mamma Mià! That's a new one!"

"He was violent and...that's not even the worst part."

"What's worse than rape, peach?"

"He put a fucking mouth prop into my mouth and..."

"Don't say it."

"That's not the worst part!"

"He murdered two men in front of me and I don't even know who the fuck he is."

"What? He raped you and you don't know who he is?"

"He had a mask on and I was in handcuffs! When I tried to fight..." I check the parkour to say what I'm about to say. "He fucked me in the ass!"

"Holy moly. Trisha, come back here."

"You would be in trouble and I have a kid here!"

"Well you're not gonna sit there and get raped everyday! Who the hell does he think he is? And what if he has STDs."

Rick is right. And I love that he cares about me. He can't stand and watch me get molested by some random motherfucker just because of his stupid psychotic obsessions with a girl that is almost half his age; Me!

"Talk to Isaac."

"He knows it already. Apparently he's been working for gentleman."

"As in, criminal stuff?"

"I have no idea." I tell him, locking the toilet door.

"So you live in a mafia triangle and you don't even know what that is!" He says, sounding as surprised as I am.

"Mafia? That's not even a real thing!"

"First he raped you, violently and killed people and he's working with your boss? I don't trust any of your friends right now."

"What am I supposed to do? I can't call the cops and even if I did, what would they do?"

"That's for them to decide, peach just talk to the police about this whole stalking story."

"You're sure about this?"

"I'm sure."

"I gotta go. Bye"

"Bye peach. I love you." He says sounding sincere.

"I love you."

I hung up and sigh. I don't know where I should place myself right now. I just know that I'm lost somewhere. And God somebody help me.

A/N: I am so lazy, and I have school tomorrow so let me 😴 I will be posting three chapters per weekend so stay here! 👍👍

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