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After the call ended, Minju slumped into her seat. She was anxious on what she wanted to do.

As much as she would like to keep it a secret but she didn't have the heart to lie to Yerin.

" Ms. Kim! "

She heard a file slap in front of her and realised that Mr. Keum was talking to her. She bowed and asked him to repeat what he said.

" Are you sure you're okay? "

" Ah yes. I was just thinking of what to eat later "

" I see. Did Yebin call you recently? "

" Ms. Kim? Oh not at all. Why? "

Minju panicked when he asked about Yebin. How do I not tell him that his wife is literally in the hospital again.

" I thought she'd at least call you. Well, I'd like you to look at this file and schedule a meeting with the bodyguards tonight. Take the kids home and ask Yewang to babysit while I'm out "

" Okay, sir "

Minju bowed as Donghyun left. She sighed in relief and went straight to setting the schedule for their meeting.

Later that night

They all gathered at a cafe to talk about their updates. Wish, A-min, Baekseung and Ayden all gathered to the cafe.

" So what did you wanna talk about, Donghyun? "

" I'm worried about Yebin. Do you know anything, Ayden? "

" All I know is that she went to work and came back home but other that that, no. Sorry "

" It's okay. What about the kids? Anything wrong? "

" Daehyeon is okay. He's in a competition for the school's paper and most probably come in first again. He spent 3 hours in the library to get the work done "

" Doil's doing well. He gets picked on sometimes but they stop when Yeri comes "

" True, Yeri totally has Yebin vibes. One word and they all back off. On top of that, your daughter aced her test today and will get an award. Be proud and come this time "

" Alright, I'll clear my schedules for her. You guys ain't wrong, Yeri is exactly Yebin like "

" But Yerin is way more like Yebin. Maybe because she grew up with Yebin the most. She's almost a carbon copy, from head to toe and inside out. It took her less than a day to figure me out "

" Less than a day? The others took at least weeks to realise theirs "

" Yebin was really protective of Yerin back in the UK. Yebin always looked back and told me to leave them alone but I just followed them quietly "

" No wonder Yerin asked me to stop a man from following them "

Donghyun sighed and face slapped himself. As he was thinking, he saw a familiar figure in the cafe. It was his second ex wife, Boeun. She was with her husband that she had cheated on him with.

The others looked back and sighed, they tried to change the conversation because they knew how bad he felt when Boeun left.

After the divorce with Yebin, Donghyun felt guilty since Yebin was ill and should've stayed but his desires blinded him. He loved how Boeun always loved him and give him physical attention unlike Yebin who didn't like skinship.

After marrying Boeun, the family wad happy and the kids loved that their step-mother was more affectionate than their mother.

Boeun attended all their events, bought them nice gifts and never forgot their birthdays.

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