The past

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A/n: trying different perspective? Also sorry for errors, posting from mobile.

And thanks for all the comments and stars. It's very very sweet and appreciated.

Be kind to yourselves

Tw!!! Very small Mentions of overdoses, drug use and hints at abuse

Pearl stands at the center of the sky arena, her slender form poised with a graceful elegance

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Pearl stands at the center of the sky arena, her slender form poised with a graceful elegance. Her eyes fix on you, who stand with your feet pointed inward and your back ever so slightly slouched.

"Alright, Y/n," Pearl speaks, her calm and composed voice echoing across the arena. "Let's see what you're capable of. Show me your form."

You square your shoulders and grip the hilt of your sword. Your hands still feel clammy no matter how many times you wipe them on your tank top. With a deep breath in hopes of steadying your breath, you begin to move, attempting to replicate the basic sword techniques you have observed during previous training sessions over the week. However, you know your movements are clumsy, lacking the precision and fluidity that Pearl and Connie display effortlessly.

Pearl observes your efforts with a keen eye, noting the small errors and missteps in your technique. The gem holds back a sigh. "Focus on your footwork, Y/n," Pearl instructs gently. "Maintain your balance and let your body move with the flow of the sword. Your form will improve with practice." There's a coolness in her voice that goes unnoticed. It's not harsh, but light and stern. Almost concern.

You nod, your brows furrowing in concentration. Each attempt to strike works to incorporate Pearl's advice. Your feet shift with quicker and more deliberate movements. Gradually, your sword swings become more controlled, and your footwork flows fluidly, at least somewhat decently. The clashing of metal against metal fills the air as you spar with the Pearlbot, each strike filled with a sense of determination but not necessarily better than the last.

Stumbling back, your sneakers plant hard into the stone tile ground to steady yourself. You clench your teeth and try not to flinch while driving your sword upward just in time to block a strike. Yet, no matter how hard you try, it seems like Pearl's holographic clone is always one step ahead. Their skills are honed, their movements swift and precise. Your frustration grows with every defeat, and with it, your heart sinks, questioning your abilities.

Maybe you aren't cut out for this.

Pearl notices the turmoil growing in your eyes and the slump in your posture. She pauses the match, the stern and watchful gaze written on her face softening as she raises her voice. "Y/n, don't get discouraged. It takes time and practice to master sword fighting. Remember, every great sword fighter started as a beginner."

With another dip of your head, you offer your 'thanks' silently, but her words offer little solace. The frustration still burns within you, and it only intensifies with each defeat. And it doesn't help that you can't help but compare yourself to Connie, a twelve-year-old, but she has managed to knock you off your feet several times in a matter of minutes. Just like Pearl and her bots, Connie knows how to move swiftly on her feet without second-guessing.

Blooming Blue [Pearl x Fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now