Chapter 3

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Somehow I've made it through the day. I'm tired though. They had a bunch of getting-to-know-each-other activities. A lot of physical games too. But the important things like locker and device check-in happened after lunch

I'm blessed because not once did I have to talk to tampon head. Colton had now started calling Tiana Tampon head and honestly makes so much sense.

After all of that, we all gathered with our homerooms to be dismissed and I was now at my locker.

I was grabbing my bag and purse from my locker. I had a little black canvas purse that had a little gray and white planet embroidered on it. In it, I had my headphones, phone, wallet, and some lipgloss. The lipgloss, I was applying in the mirror I attached to my locker.

I'd put my things on my back and said my goodbyes to Catherine, Zane, Abigail, and Lewis all of whom I'd hung out with later at lunch. Colton is hugging me goodbye and he doesn't seem like he wants to let go.

I pat his back. "Alright buddy, I have to go." He lets go and he's waving to me all the way until he's outside of my field of vision. I turn to check my locker getting the shit scared out of me. "What the hell!" I almost yell.

He rubs his eyes and laughs at me. "My bad, I wasn't trying to scare you. I just came to tell you, that you're riding with me."

"Ms. Rivera, I- I mean your mom texted me already," I say gesturing to my phone. I know he has a boyfriend but he's fine as hell.

He flashes a smile and leads me to a hallway. "Percy, Come on or you're getting left." He calls out to the boy with long hair.

"If you don't mind Riley is coming with us," Wyatt says to me.

"Oh I do-" He doesn't even give me the chance to finish.

In a high voice, he says, "Just kidding, you don't get a say." His tone changes again, "If you have something against Riley you can have fun walking."

I fold my arms. "I wasn't even gonna say anything," I say annoyed. I mumble under my breath. "Damn, what'd I do to you."

"Well actually," He says. Shit, he heard me. "You didn't do anything, I just don't really like it when people talk about him or are rude to him."

"Yeah of course you don't, that's normal he's your boyfriend. But as I was saying I just got here and Riley's a cool guy. Why would I have anything against him?" I say trying to reason.

"First he's not my boyfriend," He says to me.

"There's no way on god's green earth that you two," I remark pointing at Riley and Wyatt, " are just being sus with the homies. You two seem like a couple." I laugh to myself. That's dumb as hell. I've seen the way they act with one another.

He chuckles a bit to himself and checks his watch on his wrist. "I don't owe you an explanation. Come on and get, we've got to get going."

The two of us are leaving while Riley is running up behind us. He eventually catches up and we go to the parking lot. I've already put my headphones on and gotten on my phone. I barely know Wyatt but somehow I'm getting into the backseat of his car. I trust Ms. Rivera though. After he decides to chill out again I ask him.

"Why do you call him Percy?" I ask.

"It's just a nickname I gave him when we were kids." He shrugs.

"Wha-" He won't let me get my next question out instead he shushes me.

"Let me ask the questions from now on." He says laughing.

"Why are you so curious?" He questions, as he unlocks his car.

CariñoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora