Chapter 5

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-Jesse Hayes-

I headed into lunch, flanked by Colton and Wyatt. I think Wyatt finally ended things with Riley. It makes sense why he's been hanging with me.

I drew a very artistic dog on Colton. Colton said artistic was the only way to describe the dog. It's not my fault I'm the next Picasso. People like him don't understand true art. 

For Wyatt, I wrote virgin on his arm, in Sharpie. He obviously love it.

Colton and I sat at a different table today. We were soon joined by Catherine, Zane, Penny, Wyatt, and Lewis. I knew everyone there. We all went to school together at one point or another.

We were all talking to one another when our table was dismissed to the line. Lewis had dumplings. I remember when he sold 3 for 30 dollars in middle school. Our 7th grade year he made 2000 dollars selling alone.

I had to get lunch from the cafeteria today since I only brought a drink and some granola.

The lunch line is a bit weird. You have to go out into one of the main halls to go around toward the line. There's just not enough room for the line any other way, considering the grade had over 250 students. Most kids got lunch from the cafeteria but usually my allergies didn't allow that or I'm just being picky.

I ended up losing track of the rest of them which meant I was separated by a few people between Wyatt and Colton. I didn't see Penny or Zane but I'm certain they got in line. It's fine I just need to find them after get my lunch.

Behind me, I felt a graze against my shirt. It was probably just someone bumping against me. I didn't care. Well, I didn't care until I felt a hand grope my butt, and pull away only to feel again. I turned around in horror.

I saw red hair, Streaked with black and brown, that little booger on her nose, she called a piercing. It was Tiana, she just grabbed me. She put her hand on me again and I slapped it away.

"Don't touch me," I said trying to get away. I tapped the person in front of me, asking to skip. 

"You aren't leaving me again," she whispered, as she grabbed my arm. She leaned in as if to kiss me and I pulled away.  I slapped her hard, across the face. 

She looked down at the ground as I got more and more angry.

I back out of the line whispering vile words at her. "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME! DAMN IT!" I was yelling now as she approached me. I was shaking as I stepped back. She wasn't stopping. She already abused me once, it sure as hell ain't happening again.

She jumped toward me with a fist balled but she didn't hit me. It was too late to avoid conflict now. 

I pulled back my fist and launched it into her jaw. She stumbled back before tackling me to the ground. Her full weight was on top of me, she was straddling me and had her hands on my face. She caressed my face again. "I love you, why can't you just love me back?"

I growled at her slapping her hands away as we tousled. I freed myself and lunged at her pulling her hair, down and bringing my knee into her face.

She screamed out in pain and anger before flying back at me and biting my arm I yelled out, and Punched again and again hitting her face as she hit me back.

Before I realized there was a circle forming around us and cameras being pulled out. Before I knew it I had arms around my waist and my hits stopped landing. I was being lifted off the ground. I was kicking and yelling. I was now crying too.

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