Chapter 20

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- Colton Greer -

I don't think she knows how time works. All of us were supposed to meet up at 2:00. It's 2:11 right now, and there's no word on where they are. We were all supposed to go to the mall together. She'd somehow gotten Pierce to leave that shit hole he calls a job.

Now, Jesse's friends and Wyatt's friends were just sitting around the fire pit. It was still burning coals, but it was low, and you could barely see the flame.

The wind was harsh today, too. It kept blowing my hair in my face. All the girls that passed by would give me looks. It wasn't bad ones either.

I don't know how to talk to girls.

"You were at Wyatt's party? Right?" A boy said. He had clear blue eyes and a bleached buzz cut with flames dyed into it.

"Uh, yeah," I answered.

"You seen him?" He asked.

"Nope, they invited all of us here and then didn't even show up," I told him.

"Yeah, Wyatt's probably getting sloppy in a car right now," He shrugged. "At least having a good time," He mumbled.

Yeah, that's what couples are expected to do. Jesse wouldn't be doing that right now. I wouldn't expect it from her in the past, but even so now. They might come back with a couple of hickeys and love bites, but sex that was too far for her. I could see it. 

"HEY COLT," a hoarse voice called out loudly. It was Peirce.

"Hi, Peirce," I said.

"What's up, man?" He asked.

"I don't know, what's up with you?" I asked.

"I got my eye on a certain person over there," He said, looking in that direction. To my surprise, it was none other than Riley.

"Riley, Is that their name?" He asked, looking over.

"Mhm," I added.

"I wish Jesse was here to help me out right now. She's good at this kinda stuff," He told me.

She really was she played Cupid on a whole different level. Because of her, I think, I just think, maybe, just a little, I might like Nora. She'd made the two of us talk more, and she even told me we'd be cute together. I mean, Nora was pretty but maybe a bit too wild for my taste. But I'd rather test the waters and see what I'm up for.

"Yeah, she, usually is, but now she's focused on Wyatt," I said. It was like she didn't even notice me since Wyatt confessed.

Every time we talk, it's Wyatt this, Wyatt that, me and Wyatt, or we don't even talk because Wyatt's her 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th priority.

But oh well. She does this with every guy, but she hangs out with us eventually. 

"Yeah," Carson said, butting in.

"Wyatt really likes her and he won't fucking shut up about it. He just makes the rest of us feel lonely." He said.

"Yeah,"I said, as another gust of wind blew. I still am Jesse's best friend but it feels a little off, not talking to her as much.

"I'm lucky, I don't got hair in my face anymore," Carson said.

"I think about getting a buzz cut every now and then but I just look in the mirror and change my mind," I said. 

I took a look at him. His hair was platinum blonde and had flames dyed into it. I looked fire, pun very intended.

"I love your hair though," I said,

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