Chapter 26

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- Jesse Hayes -

"You're so fucking stupid," Alexa yelled.

"I tell you over and over again to stop, and you go and do shit and get heartbroken," She said.

"Its fine now, were back together," I said.

"I DON'T CARE," She yelled.

"I'm not going to fight another ex for you," She said.

"I can't get you out of bullshit everyday," She said.

I was a little stupid the other day. Completely forgot protection and my period hadn't come yet. It was a few days late.

I called Alexa because she's the only one I can trust. She was a little pissed that me and Wyatt had sex. I told her about the cheating incident, and how we tried to have sex before.

"I can't keep doing this for you," She said.

"See I'll get you a pregnancy test but that's the end of this. If you get pregnant I can't help you," She said.

"Thank you so much," I said.

- Wyatt Housley -

She knocked on the door and I let her in. She'd gotten a lot more comfortable with me lately. Maybe a little too comfy.

She was sitting in my lap right now, grinding against me. I wasn't in any kinda mood to do anything right now. I invited her over for some innocent fun. Not this.

But now it was at the point where it was starting to feel a little too good. It was a struggle just to tell her to stop.

"Hey, Jesse," I said.

She nodded, "What?"

"Not right now," I said.

She nodded and climbed off of me.  I found it kinda crazy that we just had a pregnancy scare a couple of days ago and she's already back in a mood. I didn't know what kinda crazy sex drive she had, but it was something hard to keep up with. I think she was on her period anyway.

I got up, adjusting my sweatpants. You could see my print. I went to go make us some food.

I made her a grilled cheese per her request and made French fries to go with it. She sat down beside me and began to eat her food.

She snuggled into my arms as we watched One Piece together. I wrapped my arms around her and just let her adjust however she pleased.

When she finished she just took a nap in my arms. I looked at her. 

My pretty girl.

She looks so innocent and sweet in my arms like she wasn't fucking me silly a few days ago. The sounds of her moans are still burned into my brain.

But she's lying down peacefully. I wonder what she dreams about. I wonder if she's even forgiven me.

I learned a song for her. She asked me to learn, "Beach Song" So I did. I wanted to play it for her. 

My legs were starting to fall asleep so I tried to get up. Slowly I creeped over to my room and got my acoustic guitar out. I started to practice the chords of the song, humming a little bit. I want much of a singer but I hummed the melody.

Slowly hands carresed my hair, tucking strands beneath my ear. I fucking loved it when she played with my hair. Her arms wrapped around me and tucked beneath my collar.

I kept playing.

"As much as I love this song, I don't want it to be us," She said.

"If anything we should be closer," I said.

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