Chapter 19🍋

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- Jesse Hayes -

"So what happened at lunch?" Wyatt asked as we sat together.

"Huh," I said, biting into my quesadilla.

"At your old school. When we went to the mall, Pierce said you were bored at lunch this one time with some kid named Santi."

"Ohhhhhh," Colton said. He started snickering, and Catherine, who was over here for some reason, did the same.

"Is it bad or something?" Wyatt asked.

I nodded briskly. "It can't be that bad," He said.

"It is, though," Catherine added in.

"Yeah," I said to him.

"Yeah, there was this guy's I was dating named Santiago, and he asked for a favor during lunch," I said.

"What was the favor?" Colton asked. I rolled my eyes.

"I think you know," I said.

"I really don't," he said, messing with me.

I whispered in Wyatts' ear and told him the full story.

He started laughing at me. "You really gave a kid head during school," he said.

I covered my ears. "I'm past that chapter of my life," I told him.

I heard a quiet, "damn it,"

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said, pursing his lips.

"It's just kinda funny. I have a friend named Santiago," he said.

Riley pitched in now, looking up from his notebook, "What if?

"Like, what if it was the same Santiago that you did that with," He laughed.

Little did we know this would be no laughing matter.

Here I am, sticking my feet in the pool, at Wyatt's party when I see him again.

He was Puerto Rican, and his name is Santiago. That's in fucking Chile.

When I saw him I immediately turned away and freaked out. Why do they know each other.

I'm gonna end it all. The icing on the cake would be Tiana but she seemed pretty calm right now. I didn't have many worries about her.

Peirce had mentioned something to me at the mall. "He wants you back," it rang through my head.

I loved him at some point, but he chose to stop putting in effort. I've found someone better than I could ever imagine.

I was in a two-piece swimsuit. Being here with him in something revealing makes it even worse. If he stopped loving me during our relationship, he never stopped loving my body.

Wyatt and Riley were inside, still waiting for people to arrive. It wasn't supposed to start for another 15 minutes.

I was about to get put of the pool when someone dove in and swam a bit. He swam up to me and stuck his head out

I saw his thick curly hair down in his face. He pushed his curls out of his face and revealed his eyes. He still had the eyebrow slit.

"¿Amor?" He asked.

He always used to call me that.

"Why are you still calling me love. You've got no reason to say that to me,"I said.

"Look, I know we didn't end the way we wanted to, but I want a fresh start with you,"He said.

"You know I love you, and I know you loved me,"he said.

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