Chapter 10

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- Jesse Hayes -

It was nearing fall break. Today was the last Friday before I was free from school. Tiana was back now. She hadn't said a word to me. She wouldn't even bother looking at me. I broke her fucking nose like she deserved. All the fuss around our little fight had blown off. Now it was just me minding my business and living life.

It's the last day before break so the administration made it pajama day. Well more specifically ugly pajama day. I had found an old cow romper I got for christmas. I took a pic and sent it to Wyatt on snap. I typed out, 'bitch im a cow '

Things between us were fine now. It wasn't the kind of thing to just talk about, it just blew over.

He replied with a picture of himself. He had on a matching dino set.

He looked so cute in it. I've definitely come to terms with liking him. I just wasn't sure if I was ready for a relationship or if he even liked me.

We were only hanging out in homeroom and watching movies today. Mr. Rhodes was buying us pizza and drinks too so I didn't even have to pack my lunch. We only had a half day which made the day just that much better. Not just that but Nora was having a party.

I literally only brought my mini back pack. I did my make up and watched tv until Wyatt called. "I'm outside, come out here." He says.

"Alright I'm headed out."

"OH MY GOSH-." He exclaims.

"What was that for?" I asked, confused.

"I'm not gonna lie, I was expecting you to moo. That was really shocking," he said.

"Shut up, lil bro." I say, rolling my eyes and smiling.

"What's up with you and calling people lil bro lately. Also, I'm big bro get it right. I'm older than you anyway." He says, messing around.

"By what, like two or three months," I say, hanging up as I step outside. I'm in earshot now.

"Yep. Sure am." He says.

"Yap, Yap, Yap," I said, motioning him speaking with my hand. "Stop yapping, I don't wanna hear it."

"You know you love me," He says playfully. Little does he know, I might just feel that way. He was such a silly guy.

"No, not really," I said to him as I shut his door.

"What a shame, I guess. I really was thinking about taking you to chikfila or maybe out for some donuts again." He said, looking at me as he started the car.

"Okay, fine, maybe I do, but in a besty pal kinda way." I say smiling. "Also, let me cover the cost for the both of us this time."

"Nu uh." Wyatt sticks a finger up and says, "No. "

Wyatt says, "We've been over this before. You actually work for your money, and I just get it from my dad for just existing. I'd rather you save it and use it on yourself."

"Alright, it you say so, lil bro." I say to him.

"There you go again with the lil bro, Jesse," he says, laughing, "If you insist on calling me lil bro, I need something for you."

"Hold on, let me cook, big sis," He says.

"You are not cooking, Wyatt." I laugh.

"Hear me out on this one, homegirl," He says with an excited voice.

"You're so zesty, but that actually kinda sounds nice." I laugh a bit.

Soon, we pull up to the donut shop, and he gets us donut holes and some drinks for the both of us. The old lady working the counter looks at us and smiles.

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