Author's Note: New Cover&News

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I changed the cover of Beast Of Desire.
I'm using a new app to create covers, and toying with it, in which I hope you guys like it.

Also I must tell you effects my updates severely....

My country is voting on a bill that would restrict my access to Wattpad today. It would force our citizens no matter their age to upload an identification online in order to access any application or any website on any social media or even shopping apps, which is violating or freedom of speech amendment.
So if I stop updating all together, it's because I cannot afford an identification, because I'm too poor to get one, it costs too much, when I'm struggling to even keep a roof over my head and feed myself.
I'm more concerned with feeding myself, clothing myself, and keeping a roof over my head, because that's more important.
If this bill passes I won't be able to access Wattpad anymore, not update anymore, so I'm letting you my readers know this.
That means if it passes I won't be able to let you guys know if it did pass, and I forever will not be able to update my stories.
Alot of politicians want our country to become an authoritarian gonverment to where the citizens have absolutely no rights, and this is another step in how they are going to do so.

If I'm forever inactive in updating or posting anything on my profile that means the bill passed.

Beast Of Desire {Eric Northman Romance{18+}Where stories live. Discover now