Chap. 42

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"Here is your mussammari (Pickled radish wraps), my good sirs. As your usual Taehyung-sshi, we have your favorite set of vegetables and meat wrapped with pickled radish, along with a refreshing Banana Split mocktail. Your next entree will be served a few minutes after. Enjoy your meal." Said the host named Jeongkwon while serving the said appetizers and drinks.

Jungkook was in awe because he had no regrets choosing the same course as his Tae hyung. The appetizer down to the drink looks already appealing and delicious! He can't wait for the main course.

"Go ahead Kookie, feel free to eat. Let's take some pictures together?"

"Sure, hyung! I'm also glad you have banana as a drink. I love bananas."

Taehyung smiled in delight. This had been his favorite set of meal ever since.

After taking some pictures, they proceed to eat. "About your questions earlier...," Taehyung began the conversation.

"Yes hyung?"

"I would like to answer them."

"That's great! I want to know you so much, Tae hyung!"

"Well, for your first question... I hope you won't get surprised by this..."

"Mhmm I won't!"

"...My family runs this restaurant."

Jeon Jungkook's face was just shocked and his mouth was agape again the whole time. Well, what do you expect from students who study at a prestigious school such as Bangtan High? Kookie shouldn't have been surprised by this fact. Oh come on, don't tell me you forgot it is a school for elites? "Oy Kookie? Hahaha I thought you wouldn't be surprised? This is no match from your family business."

"But hyung! This restaurant is huge and luxurious and fancy! How many branches do you have?"

"Mhmm, right now we have 7 branches across the nation...that's why they keep addressing me formally. I'm the son of the owner too..."

Still in shock, Jungkook exclaimed. "Now I see! That's why you also said the usual and you have the VIP room all to yourself!"

"Oh, yeah I guess."

"But who misses you and why? Don't you go here often?" Jungkook asked out of curiosity.

"Well..." sighing deeply, Taehyung continued, "I guess my family does. Ever since my grandmother passed away, I just broke down and lost motivation to take over the business. She was the founder by the way. We started from a farming family to running a restaurant. Right now, my parents are the owners and they manage all branches. I don't get to help them much anymore because my passion also changed...I just want to pursue literature, music, and art. Something along those lines..."

Jungkook nodded lightly while munching on his food, indicating he has been listening well. This signaled the older to continue, "...As supposedly the next owner of the business, I just feel guilty to surrender all those responsibilities to my parents and younger siblings you know? I can see the perseverance my parents and loyal workers have been putting into the business but here I am, trying to run away from it and doing my own thing. Plus, I am reviewing my studies too since I'll be attending college soon. Still in short...I just feel like a selfish brat and a huge disappointment."

There was a brief silence after Taehyung finished his sentence. It was clear enough to Jungkook that he was very honest and his true feelings reached him. Taking a short sip of the mocktail, Jungkook smiled lightly to reassure the older.

"Hyung... thank you for opening up. I know I'm not in the place to say this. But I think you're not a disappointment. I think it is much better to do what you want instead of doing something forcefully for the sake of others' happiness and satisfaction. You may end up hating it..."

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