[16] Worth A Thousand Words

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Worth A Thousand Words

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Worth A Thousand Words

Lara and Nathan made it to Cortez right at daybreak. The city was nestled in a valley canyon between the La Plata Mountain Range, the Ute mountain range and the Mesa Verde Ranges.

Mount Tenabo soared above the smaller ranges, reaching a height of nine thousand feet in the distance and beyond that, in the lightening skies, the haze of smoke spirals dotted the skyline.

His mothers home lay twenty minutes to the southwest and that was where he planned to be, as soon as his business with Agent Halburg was finished.

He needed to get home and grab Yolo; the poor dog was probably fit to be tied after being cooped up for almost three days now.

When they reached the Colorado Geological Research Center, they entered the long driveway that curved up to the stone and glass building and Nathan told Lara to pull around the back where he would enter the building hopefully undetected.
Things seemed quiet here, but he knew in town it would be a different story. Just in case, he unholstered the 9mm and got out. There was only one way in and out of the parking lot which circled behind the building and was bordered by a stone fence in the back where they were. Lara stayed with the Tahoe, and kept it running for sake of safety. Nathan got out, unlocked the door and went in to retrieve his briefcase.

Lara sat in the Tahoe and surveilled the area. It was a beautiful landscape here in Cortez. She was originally from Kansas, the flattest land around but since her career in the NBC she had lived and worked in Colorado Springs. She had no more than thought those thoughts when Nathan appeared and got back in, handing her the briefcase. She opened it and took out the binder that held her operation final. She flipped through some of the pages quickly scanning the contents.

"I can't believe you had this, Nathan. Thumbing through the pages I am seeing one name pop up over and over. This Claira Lottridge. It seems to indicate that she is a doctor. I wonder," Lara mused out loud. "And you have no idea how your mother ended up with this?" Lara asked him incredulously.

"Nope, she never did tell me. My brother told me to burn it when I showed it to him." Nathan confided wryly.

"Damn, I'm so glad you didn't listen to him," Lara murmured. Then on a whim she asked him one more thing. "Nathan, would you be willing to help me find out?" She asked him point blank in that unnervingly blunt fashion of hers that was slightly irritating and refreshing all at the same time.

"Find out what," he found himself asking.

"Who this Claira Lottridge is and where she fits into the scheme of things. I have a feeling she was an important part of the discovery of the virus and apparently she was working with your father at some point."

"I'm not sure of just how I could be of any help," he began.

But Lara had already honed in on key data, he could tell by her expression. "You can help me sort through all of it. I need your help Nathan. Trust me. Can you help me? Will you?"

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