You're still beautiful - Caitlin x reader

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Setting: The episode 'Girlie boys.'

Note: This relationship is just friendly :)


After Caitlin had taken a side job at Chocoholics Anonymous, she had consumed an excess amount of chocolate, resulting in her weight gain. Caitlin couldn't resist eating all that chocolate, because she liked chocolate, and it was free. However, she didn't realize how much she consumed until it was time for her to get a new pair of jeans and she couldn't fit it.

Caitlin was devastated. She cared so much about her appearance that she believed that weight gain was a bad thing. After crying to her friends about what happened and going shopping one last time to find jeans in her new size, she decided to head off to the gym.

At first, Caitlin felt confident and was excited to work on her desired size, but when she arrived at the fitness center, she was a little overwhelmed. She liked to exercise once in a while for fun, but not for the purpose of losing weight. She glanced around, hoping no one would recognize her. She sighed, then began running on a treadmill.

As Caitlin was running, her inner thoughts began to take over.

She kept glancing down at her stomach, with insecurity taking over. Her thoughts began telling her that because she had gained weight, she was ugly, worthless and no one would want to be with her.

Caitlin felt herself start to tear up, and began to slow down her speed due to losing focus.

At that moment, you walked pass the treadmills to get a drink of water from your bag, when you noticed Caitlin about to cry.

You had seen Caitlin around school before, and had her for some electives before. You felt a little confused as to why she was at the gym, when she doesn't usually go here.

Feeling concerned, you went up to her treadmill, giving her a comforting smile.

"Hey, is everything okay?" You asked, causing her to look up, embarrassed.

Caitlin sniffled, wiping her tears. "I just haven't felt like myself lately."

You smiled. "Do you want to talk about it? I know we barely know each other, but I've seen you around school before, and just wanted to check on you."

Caitlin nodded, "Sure."

You and Caitlin walked to the locker rooms to sit on one of the benches inside to have some privacy.

"So, what do you mean by you haven't felt like yourself lately?" You asked.

Caitlin looked down. "I took a side job at Chocoholics Anonymous, and gained weight as a result of all the free chocolate. I know I shouldn't care so much about my appearance, but I do. I care about how I look, and what if no one likes me anymore because I gained weight? It doesn't help that I can't fit my favorite brands anymore. I just.. I feel hideous."

You understand what she was saying and can relate to her. You know how much pressure it can be to look your best and fit into a certain standard to be accepted. It also didn't help how people can be mean, and judge people based on how they look without getting to know them.

"Caitlin." You sighed, smiling at her. You put your hand on her shoulder in a comforting gesture. "It's okay to care about your appearance. It's understandable, and even a good thing to take care of ourselves to make sure we look good. However, at the same time, weight gain doesn't determine our worth as people. It doesn't tell how much a good person you are, if you are capable of accomplishing great things, or how deserving you are to love or to be loved."

"Thank you, Y/N." Caitlin sighed, smiling a little. "You're amazing."

"No problem." You chuckled. "And as a matter of fact, you're still beautiful. I'm not going to stop you from working out, since it is your choice and if you want to work on your appearance. That's fine, but do not overdo it and make sure you still allow yourself to enjoy food. Even if it is chocolate."

Caitlin laughed, then gave you a hug. "Wow, Y/N. Thanks! Do you want to get lunch together after this?"

You grinned, hugging her back. "Of course!"

You and Caitlin left the locker room, then began your exercise routines together. She was your new unofficial gym partner, which led to a beautiful friendship. This friendship was based on uplifting each other and working on both of your confidence.

Thanks to you and your encouragement, Caitlin learned to not bring herself down all the time, while still taking care of her appearance. After all, beauty is much more than what is shown on the surface.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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