The first date - Caitlin x reader

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"Gotta find the perfect dress." Caitlin mumbled, walking from shop to shop.

You and Caitlin have just started dating and your first date was tomorrow at a restaurant.

Unfortunately Caitlin couldn't find the perfect dress, no matter how hard she tried.

"Caitlin, I'm pretty sure (Y/N) wouldn't care what dress you're wearing tomorrow." Nikki sighed.

Caitlin groaned taking another dress out of the rack.

"I just don't know what would be perfect for our date. We're going to the movies, then she's showing me a surprise afterwards. The problem is I don't know what to wear to the surprise!"

"How about you ask her?" Nikki suggested.

"Then it won't be special!" Caitlin replied.

Nikki sighed. "I don't know Caitlin. Would you care about what she's wearing?"

"That's different." Caitlin said, going into the changing rooms. "(Y/N) looks perfect in everything."

"I doubt that." Nikki chuckled.

"Well she does, and I won't ever care about what she wears." Caitlin says, coming out of the stall. "What do you think?"

She was wearing a blue sparkly strapless dress that reaches her knees.

"Too flashy." Nikki said, then noticed Caitlin's sad expression. "But hey! You look good! (Y/N) will love it."

"Next." Caitlin sighed, going back in.


"It's been an hour." You said to yourself. "Why isn't she here yet?"

You tried calling and texting, but Caitlin wouldn't respond. After an hour of waiting at the movies, you decided to go home.

"I don't think this is gonna work." You mumbled, with a tear slipping out.

"(Y/N)!" You hear Caitlin yell. You turned around, sending her a glare.

"Oh so now you show up?" You laugh.

"(Y/N).." Caitlin trailed off.

"It's one thing to be late to our first date, but it's another thing to ignore my calls."

"I was trying to find the perfect outfit." Caitlin answered. "I couldn't after looking in every store and I wanted to look perfect for the surprise you were gonna show me."

You sighed. You knew Caitlin always tried looking presentable on special occasions.

"Are you still mad?" She asked.

"No." You said. "I guess I better just take you to the surprise, since we missed the movie."

Caitlin nodded, feeling guilty.


"Wow." She grinned widely at the sight.

You took her to your childhood playground where you first met when you were both nine. Caitlin never knew it, but you always had feelings for her.

"I remember when you accidentally fell off the swing." You chuckled. "It was cute. Since that day, I always had feelings for you."

"Really?" Caitlin gasped. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wasn't sure if you were into girls." You blushed.

"I didn't know it until recently." She admitted. "But I don't regret being with you."

You smiled, leaning in for a kiss. She pulled you in, feeling butterflies rush through her.

"By the way Caitlin." You started.


"Next time don't stress over what to wear. Not with me." You told her.

"I won't."

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