Sick day - Wyatt x reader

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Some people liked to have sick days, because they got to miss school or work and just have a break for a little awhile. However, sick days were no fun for you, because you had to be separated from your boyfriend, Wyatt. As cliche as it sounds, you couldn't stand being without him.

You've been sick for the last week and this had been the longest you've been gone from work and school.
Your mom wanted to take you to a doctor, but you insisted you'll get better soon. Wyatt called countless times to come over and be there for you, but you always told him no. You knew you could take care of yourself and didn't want to bother him.

You groaned to yourself, rubbing your head. You buried yourself deep in your blankets, trying to soothe those chills.

As soon as you felt yourself drifting off to sleep, you heard the phone ring.

Without opening your eyes, you reached everywhere on your bed, following the sound. You groaned, realizing it's lost in the blankets and shook them one by one, until you heard a loud thud.

You checked the call and saw that once again, it was Wyatt.

"Y/N, I'm worried about you." You heard Wyatt say.

You groaned, "Wyatt, I'm fine."

"I don't care if you'll say no. I'll see you in ten."

You hung up the phone, not bothering to argue. The pain was too intense for you to gain the energy to argue with Wyatt.


As promised, Wyatt arrived quickly and you saw he had a bag full of snacks, some Tylenol, and blankets.
You instantly felt bad for him going out of his way for you.

"Wyatt, you're such a sweet boyfriend and I love you for that, but you really don't have to do this." You explained.

"Go to your room, and I'll make you some soup." He instructed.

You were surprised at how serious he was being. Without a word, you headed to your room and lied on your bed.

After ten minutes, Wyatt came in with orange juice and soup.

"Did you make some for yourself?" You asked, hoping he did.

He nodded, "Just take these and I'll be back. We can eat together and watch your favorite movies."

You smiled thankfully, taking the items.

Wyatt walked back in, holding a bowl of his own soup and sat next to you. Together, you both ate and watched your favorite movie peacefully.


"Wyatt?" You said, pausing the movie.


"Thank you."

"Of course." He replies, kissing your forehead.

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