The fashion show - Tricia x reader

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Today was your fashion show, which was a huge deal, since you were a starting model. Albatross and finch asked if you and several others could join their fashion show to model their clothes. You accepted the offer immediately, since you saw this as an opportunity to get discovered more.

Not everyone who joined the fashion show were models. Some of them were chosen from the auditions that were held at Albatross. The only ones you knew personally that joined was Tricia, Caitlin, Jen, Mandy, and your friend, Zoey from high school

It was an hour until the fashion show and you were in the dressing room, getting ready. Your nerves got the best of you, as you messed up your eyeliner for the third time.

You let out a groan, "Dammit, of all times my eyeliner decides to mess up, it's now."

Your friend, Zoey laughed. "You just need to relax, Y/N. Keep your hand steady and focus on the liner, not what's gonna be like the biggest fashion show at the mall."

"Way to calm me down, Zoey." You said sarcastically. You sighed and chucked the eyeliner pen at a random direction.


"I can't with this dress." You and Zoey turned to Tricia struggling to zip up her dress.

"Do you need help?" You asked.

"I'm fine." She snapped. She took off the dress, then searched through the closet.

You rolled your eyes a little. "Okay then."


Once you got on the stage, you began to feel nervous from everyone watching you. You wanted to quit, but it was too late.

As you did some poses for the camera, you began to feel confident. You smiled widely, before walking backstage.

"Ow!" You yell, tripping over your feet. You stood up, clutching your back, and to your horror, everyone saw it.

You awkwardly flash a thumbs up, before running away.


"You looked like a moron up there." Tricia laughed, walking into your dressing room.

You applied some red lipstick, then glared at her. "Accidents do happen."

Tricia huffed, before sitting next to you by the mirror. "At least you did okay.. Sort of."

"What's the point in you just coming in to insult me?" You questioned, putting the lipstick down. You turned towards her, crossing your arms and frowning.

Tricia avoided your gaze and stayed silent for a moment.

"Well?" You pressed.

Tricia sighed, and looked up at you with a blush spreading across her cheeks. "This sounds weird, but I've been watching you at school lately, and uhm.."

You patiently waited for her response, then she continued, "I'm.. into you.. and I thought you looked freaking gorgeous tonight."

You blushed slightly, before giving her a soft smile. "Wow Tricia. Are you serious?"

Tricia nodded, then played with her hair nervously. "So.. Do you want to get lunch with me tonight? I promise I'll be nice."

You chuckled, then replied, "Sure!"


You and Tricia decided to eat at a cafe, where you both laughed together, while exchanging embarrassing stories.

"And then, Caitlin walked around the beach with a toilet paper tail." Tricia told you, causing you to laugh.

"That's so sad." You chuckled. "Is she okay?"

Tricia shrugged, "I don't know, but you have to admit that was funny."

You nodded, smiling widely at her. "I'm glad I got to hang out with you tonight, Trish."

Tricia took your hand from across the table, and kissed it. "I'm glad too."

You were unsure about how you felt for Tricia, at first, but after tonight, you knew you wanted a second date.

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