Snowy days - Jonesy x reader FLUFF

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Requested by: Cxsmicstxrz

For the last few days, it had been nothing but consistent hard snow. Usually you would enjoy the cold weather, but it's been starting to feel gloomy. Many businesses had to be closed, and there wasn't much to do.

You were freezing, when you and Jonesy walked to his car. You signed in relief, as Jonesy turned up the heat.

"I'm sorry for not bringing another jacket." Jonesy told you, glancing at you. You nodded, rubbing your hands together, trying to keep warm. Jonesy began driving to his house. You stared out the window, seeing the snow blanket the whole town.

Your clothes were drenched in snow, and it felt uncomfortable. When you and Jonesy arrived at his place, you were relieved to get inside. Jonesy led you to his room, and you took off your coat, throwing it onto the ground.

"You can wear some of my clothes, since yours are drenched. I'll run it through the wash, and dry them." Jonesy told you.

"Thanks, Jonesy."

Jonesy handed you his sweater and some shorts from his closet. He walked out of his room to make you both hot chocolates, as you changed.

When Jonesy got back, he blushed, finding you very adorable in his sweater and shorts. He set the hot chocolates onto the bedside table, and snuggled closer to you. "You're very cute."

You giggled, causing him to kiss your cold nose. He pulled you close to his chest, and ran his hands through your body. "It feels much warmer now."

"Yup." You agreed, leaning your head against his chest, hearing his heart beat. You started to feel more tired and relaxed.

After a few minutes, Jonesy sat up, and grabbed the hot chocolates, handing one to you. You wrapped yourself in his blanket, and took a sip of the hot chocolate. You chuckled, "Wow! You didn't poison me."

"Shut up. I'm not that much of a jerk!" Jonesy laughed, scooting closer to you. He pulled up the blanket, wrapping it around the both of you. He cuddled closer to you, and you inhaled his scent, smiling softly. You felt so lucky to have him.

There, you both stayed together feeling much more warm and relaxed from the cold, drinking hot chocolate that Jonesy managed to not mess up.

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