Imayoshi Shouichi

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You were always the type who would fall in love with someone fast but you were always oblivious to the ones who liked you. That fact made Momoi Satsuki annoyed. She has been trying to set you up with the captain of the basketball team yet you never seemed to like him once until recently.

You always saw him as an annoyance. He was smarter than you and you hated it. Every time he would take the first spot in everything and you would always try to find his weakness and one day you got it.

It was after school and you were in the library studying but you eventually gotten bored and started to doodle all over your textbook and suddenly ended up drawing Imayoshi crying about his examination marks. You were giggling at that when Imayoshi suddenly came out of nowhere. At first you were flustered and he even commented on how nice your drawing was although he did make a comment on how he never cries and such.

When you told him that he couldn't draw better than you he just had to show you his skills. That's when you found out. Imayoshi Shouichi sucks at drawing. You had commented on it however he refused to accept that his drawing was bad and claimed that it was good. At that time you thought of him as cute and the both of your relationships started to improve.

One day you were crying about how some guy just rejected your love for him. Of course being the 'good' friend he was he had tried to comfort you only for you to cry harder.

"Ugh it's so frustrating!"You complained after you FINALLY stopped crying.

"That's what you get for always falling in love"

"It's not my fault that they're hot!"

You then sighed maybe he was right. Maybe you shouldn't fall in love with guys that are hot. Suddenly Imayoshi patted you in the head. "You maybe smart but your stupid to not see what is completely obvious,"He told you as he walked away. You looked at his retreating form with a blush. Maybe this time you'll have the courage to confess to your true love; Imayoshi Shouichi.


Tadaa I'm done! This was requested by @Heart_Pirate

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