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*Lowkey crack chapter ngl*

Not very long had passed before I could sneak out and call Hyunjin again without my parents hearing. They had been asleep at least 15 minutes before I went out. I take off my tee shirt which was wet from my dripping hair. I pull on a hoodie, and instead of basketball shorts, I wear sweatpants. I walk down the street, fumbling with my phone trying to call Hyunjin back. I have him on speaker phone, volume down since hes loud as fuck. I could probably have speaker phone off and hear him perfectly fine to be completely honest.

He answers the phone with a confident, "About time asshole." I groan loudly.

"Listen here asshole-" I start, but he cuts me off by mocking me. I groan once more.

"Shut up you wet sock, you squeaky grocery cart, you expired coupon, you spam email, you easy bake oven, you-" I stop in the middle of my sentence as I come across the boulder I usually sit on when I sneak out. It's illuminated by the moonlight, and someone is already sitting there. I scoff to myself.

"How is my go to middle-of-the-night hangout spot already taken, no one could possibly-"  I stop whispering to myself as the boy sitting on it looks up. The boy's silver-purple hair is illuminated by the moonlight. Hes wearing black basketball shorts, and a plain black sweatshirt. I catch myself staring at him until he turns around. I clear my throat, as Hyunjin asks.

"You good man?"  I nod to no one in particular.

"Oh, yeah-I just..Someone's on my rock?" It comes out in a question. The boy on the rock looks over and smiles at me.

"Hi! Lee Know, right?" He asks. I smile.

"Yeah, thats me." I pause turning off speaker and putting the phone to my ear, then telling Hyunjin.

"I'm going to let you go man." I say. "Wait you said you'd tell me-" I cut him off by hanging up, and walking over to Jisung. He pats the empty spot on the rock next to him.

"What are you doing out here so late?" I ask him. He smiles.

"I couldn't sleep. The empty echoing, house is too creepy for me." I can't stop myself from laughing, and he smiles at the fact that he was able to make me laugh. He looks up at me.

"What about you?" I sigh, not knowing how to tell him that I'm out to talk to Hyunjin on the phone ABOUT him.

"Well-I told my friend, Hyunjin, I'd call him. The walls are too thin at my house though so I'd have to be out here. You should meet him though. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow?" He nods intently.

"Yes! We should." I smile. He's so excited, it makes my heart flutter. He stretches then says.

"Lets lay on the grass. This rock is uncomfortable as fuck." I can't hold back my laugh at his sudden, violent choice of words, but join him in the cold, green grass.

We lay next to each other, looking at the stars.

"So, tell me about this Hyunjin. What's he like?" I laugh.

"He's very funny, very spontaneous, quite random, and a little weird. So basically he's like me, but taller and more handsome." Han turns his head.

"More handsome? I doubt it." I laugh and he turns his head looking back at the dotted sky.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I ask jokingly.

"Take it how you want to." He responds. That response was my thirteenth reason. He stretches closing his eyes.

"If you plan on falling asleep out here, you should set an alarm to get back home before anyone wakes up." He nods, picking his phone up. I watch as he sets an alarm for 5:45 am, giving us about 7 hours.

"I'll wake up when you do." I respond. "But-I don't think I got your number? I'll need it if we're hanging out." He nods.

"Ah, yeah. Here." He hands me his phone, screen open to his contacts, and I type my number in before handing it back to him.

He puts his phone down in between us, then the both of us fall asleep under the stars.

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