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The next morning, I wake up in one of the rooms in Hyunjin's house, and I'm next to Jisung.
"Min-Hyung..?" He mutters the question to me.
      "Yeah, it's me." I answer. His eyes flutter open, and he makes gentle eye contact with me before asking,
"Wanna meet my siblings?"


Bangchan cooked breakfast for us all.  We sit down to eat, and Felix is the first to talk.

"I'm still not buying the story about the two of you doing nothing in the closet, sorry." Before I can talk, Jisung speaks up.

"Who hurt you to the point where you have trust issues?" His voice is dripping with sarcasm. Felix groans

"Ugh-thats not-Whatever." I laugh under my breath, and Felix latches onto his boyfriends arm. 

"Bangchan kindly tell them to shut the fuck up." Chan smiles at Felix.

"They're my friends as well, I can't just-" He's cut off by Seungmin.

"Just do it so Felix won't whine the rest of the day." Chan sighs.

"Shut the fuck up, Jisung. You too, Minho!" Felix smiles smugly, and I throw a slice of orange at him in retaliation.

"Oh, ok. I see how it is." He whispers to himself. He's about to throw a slice back at me, but Jeongin grabs his hand before he can throw it.

"Lets not?" He says, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Felix sighs, muttering curses under his breath as he clears his plate. 

"Are you done eating?" I ask Han. He smiles at me, and I feel my heart melt.

"Yeah, I am." I nod, and I clear his plate along with mine.  Hyunjin suddenly trudges into the kitchen.

"Why didn't you get me when you cooked an entire meal?" We all shrug, almost in unison.

"I guess we forgot." Jeongin says. Hyunjin scoffs.

"This is literally my house, what the fuck." He retorts. "Ugh, anyway. Plans for today?" I look at Jisung, and say.

"I think Han was gonna take me to his house so I could meet his younger siblings." He nods.

"Yeah, we were gonna go to my place for a while. You guys can come if you want?" He asks. The two couples and Hyunjin make eye contact one at a time, before Seungmin smiles.

"No, you two go ahead. We'll be okay." I glance at Jisung, and nod slowly.

"Oooh 'kay? We'll get going then." I respond slowly. 

What the fuck do they think they're doing?

I let the thought go. 

"HYUNJIN YOU HAVE TO DRIVE US!" I yell through the house.

"Fuck. LEMME CHANGE OK?" Jisung responds with some sort of neutral agreement before pulling me outside by my arm. pulling me aside, he whispers to me.

"This probably isn't the best time to talk about this since there isn't too much time, but about last night? Was that us being drunk or-"  Hyunjin interrupts the moment just like he did last time at my house.

Goddammit he really just has to ruin everything, doesn't he? I think to myself, but Jisung says.

"Its ok, we'll talk later today." Before pulling me by my arm to Hyunjin's car. We sit next to each other in the back seat.

"Lino, don't you wanna sit in the front?" I shrug. 

"I don't feel well, so I don't think the front seat is a good idea right now." I respond. Hyunjin checks the rear view mirror, before muttering a 'mhm' in response.



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