Chapter 12: Tam (Wednesday)

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Tam calm down.... its just the girl you have had a crush on since you met. And she asked you out to dinner. I cannot tell Linh she will yell I told you so soooo hard in my face.

Oh well.

"Hey Linhhhh......" I say.

"Yessssssssss...." She copies my tone.


"What!" She shrieked but I ran out the door too fast.

I leaded a way and once I arrived I perfected my hair. I am not like Keefe but I should look nice. I went in and looked around the restaurant for a wonderful brunette and then we locked eyes and she waved and looked,

"Beautiful.." I mutter. She had her hair in two braids each with individual opals and her lilac dress and honey yellow high heels. Then I see her face and think,

She is sooooo perfect

"Tam!" She calls.

"There you are, you look," I trail off.

"Awful?" She asked.

"Never! you look beautiful as always." 

She blushed, FINALLY! I was always the blusher.

"If I can say, I was I little nervous for tonight." She admitted.

"That makes two of us." I tell her.

She smiles and asks:

"So, how is Linh?" She tried to make small talk.

And it worked. "Extra worried now that I am back, but same old same old. How's Fitz?" I ask.

"Good, he went on a date with Marella and he didn't tell my mom where he was so she was so worried."



The rest of the date went smooth. She said Thank you and was about to leave, I wanted to say something to stop her, I wanted so bad to go on another date with her. 

"Biana! On our Saturday shift of finding Keefe want to go to the 'Ice cream' shop there?" I ask.

"Of course! I thought you'd never ask."


Stellarlune. A fan plotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin