Chapter 31: Sophie (Tuesday/ Wednesday)

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      I gave him reason upon reason, he said he'd get back to me. I gave him my room number so he could call me.

"See you later, Foster. Hopefully I'll come to my senses." He winked and walk out.

I left soon after felling good, but I needed more, in a couple days he would crack.


I knew it, he called me this morning saying he would come back to The Lost Cities, only if I came with him, I had doubts, but he deserved to come back.

So that afternoon we went to secluded area and I grabbed my home crystal.

"I hope you're right about this Foster," Keefe said.

"So do I," Then we stepped into the light and leaped away.

*After leap*

"Sophie were the heck have you been!?" Grady, Edaline and Sandor all screamed.

"Um... I went to find Keefe and stayed in the city for a couple days and um... look I found him!" I smiled weakly.

Edaline did her goofiest grin and said, "Keefe, come inside, the gnomes will help you and I'll inform Ro that you're here."

As Edaline dragged him away, he looked over his shoulder and mouthed, I'm not in trouble.

I gave him my, yeah right, look.

Then I looked over at Grady who was glaring daggers at Keefe.

The he looked at me. "You and I young lady, we're going to have a longgg talk."

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