Chapter 17: Fitz. (Thursday)

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         I asked out both Marella and Linh and my date with Linh is after our shift. But Marella seemed really eager to add Sophie to our team. Oh well. She's really cute (Sophie.) And I want to ask her out as well but the problem is wellllllll..... I was her boyfriend and the I broke up with her.

She is very different and important, I like that, she just can't be unmatchable.

We were walking to Sophie's room to get her spyball, Great, that thing.

"Should you try transmitting to Keefe? He probably won't answer but it's worth a shot." Marella suggested.

"Great idea Marella!" I say shooting a glare at Sophie that said 'You didn't think about this but she did.'

"Okay, I'll try." She closed her eyes and sat down on her bed. I slipped past her blocking to see what she was saying.

KEEFE! She transmitted KEEFE over and over again.

Finally there was, NOTHING! She kept on transmitting.

"It's not working, He won't respond." She said out loud.

"Then what do we do? Ohhhhh wait I forgot about our Spyball plan." Marella said.

Sophie picked up the Spyball, "Keefe Sencen." She said.

'Unfindable' it replied.

"Alright, I should hail Amy! Maybe she's seen him," Sophie said, looking a me, maybe I had a shot!

"Fitz can you hand me my Imparter? I need to hail her." She said.

"Sureeeeee...." I said trying to be smooth, and I think it was working!

"Amy Foster" She said and the Imparter flashed with Amy's face.


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