Chapter 14: Linh (Wednesday)

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         I love being with Dex! He's so sweet! But sadly our shift was over.

"Hey Linh!" I turned around hoping to see a certain periwinkle eyed boy, but instead I saw,

"Fitz! hey." I stop walking and he stops right infront of me.

"Do you want to go on a date with me? Tomorrow at the cafe in Atlantis." He asks sweating a bit from running so fast.

"Sure?" I don't even know hum SUPER well but I want to bee nice.

"GREAT! See you then." Then he ran away.

I had barely any Idea what just happened.

I got home and Tam was rustling through everything in his room.

"You okay in there Tam?" I ask.

"Yep!" He exclaims.

He ran out 15 minutes later.

"Hey Linhhhh......" He drags out his words, usually means he's hiding something.

"Yesssssssssss...." I say as well.

"I-am-going-on-a-date-with-Biana-tonight-so-I-will-see-you-later-bye!" He ran out the door and leaped away.

I have no idea what just happened. When he gets home he will have a stern talking to.

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