Chapter 15: Keefe. (Wednesday)

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       I FINALLY found Amy? or should I call her Natalie? I have no idea. Man thinking of Amy/Natalie makes me think of Foster. Gods *See what I did there?* I hope she did and didn't get my note.

I hope she did so she doesn't come looking for me and I hope she didn't because I said LOVE Keefe. LOVE! not Sincerely or from, LOVE! She may read into that. I kinda hope she does. She can be very adorably oblivious. And I am at Amy's! Yay?!

I pushed a button and she came running downstairs.

"Hello- OMG KEEFE! HIIIIIIII! One moment." She clicked something and let me inside.

"Aren't your parents home?" I asked stepping inside.

"Nope, they're away on a trip. My aunts coming in two days to take care of me but I am supposed to be at a sleepover with this mean girl but decided to stay home. Why isn't Sophie here. Waitwaitwaitwaitwait, does she know you're here? Is she kidnappped?" Wow. That was so much information.

"No, she was not kidnapped. Sorry this was a bad idea... I should go," I was about to leave when,

"PLEASE STAY, I need company, we have a guest bedroom, probably not what you're used to but it's one of the nicer ones here, then you can tell me EVERYTHING!" She squealed.

"Alright, alright, I'll stay."

"GREAT! I'll make snacks. This is gonna be a longggggg night."

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