Those Damned Butterflies

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My Unheard Thoughts

I waited.
I waited for another conversation.
I talked to many people while we were silent.
None so elegant as you.
You're like a symphony of nature's best aspects.
How can one be so abstract and so easily distinguishable from the rest be so hidden in plain sight?

There you were.
Asking me how my day was, and suddenly, my day was brighter than it was beforehand.
We were worlds apart, but every word meant we got just a little closer, even if I didn't realize that.

Our conversations started to last longer, and the days seemed to be getting shorter.
Before I knew it, I was buying plane tickets to see you for the first time.
A dumb decision in the eyes of many.
"You're an idiot!" They said.
"What if she isn't real?"
I trust her.

I trusted the butterflies.
Those damned butterflies.
They got the best of me and directed my every mood ever since you came back into my life just as abruptly as you left it.

My heart...
My heart was pounding through my chest as the plane landed.
The thought of seeing that smile for the first time.
The thought of feeling your touch for the first time.
The thought of looking you into your eyes for the first time.
All those first times.

And there you were.
I was right, and they were wrong.
I wasn't stupid.
I wasn't hopelessly in love.
And contrary to what they thought, I made the best decision ever.
It was just as magical as I thought it would be.
There were no breaks on our train from the first time our hands locked into each other.
From there on out, it wasn't me.
It was us.

Us against the world.
And the world against us.

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