One More Hug

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My Unheard Thoughts

I know that when I board that plane on my way back to my country, leaving yours, I will feel a sense of dread that covers all my wounds with salt.

When your loved ones disappear, and you don't know for how long, you'll feel a swift wave of despair and angst. Not to mention the hatred for time you'll feel. The sense of wanting to stay for just one more day.

But I had to let you go for now. I had to board that plane. I had to leave you behind again. I had to go. We both live different lives for now. But I promise that one day I will stand on your doorstep to carry you to that very airplane.
We'll leave together.

But that's not today.
Oh I wish I could've squeezed in one more hug. Just one more before I left. Because it's never enough.
When your arms wrap around me, they don't just wrap around me. They wrap around my soul, my heart, and they cover all the pains I feel.

I go crazy in my head even being away from you for an hour, but I know I have to stay strong.
But God do I long for the day I can say that we made it through.
That day when I can stop tearing up.

That day, when I can ask for one more hug.

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