Mother Nature

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My Unheard Thoughts

My girl reminds me of mother nature.
Beautiful and elegant, and only causes storms and harsh winds when needed.
Mother nature knows when it needs to rain and when the sun needs to shine. She's precise with her decisions, and even when others don't understand why she does something, she always has a plan.

Mother nature is heavily influenced by her surroundings. If her surroundings take care of her, she flourishes, if they intentionally destroy her, she lessens.
But one of the best qualities about her, is that she's able to take care of herself without the help of any other living being.

Mother nature takes care of all that care for her, and she even cares for those who take her for granted. She's a kind spirit, allowing others to build shelter and grow seeds with what she created.

She's special because there's just one of her. And only one is needed in the entire world.

The love mother nature carries is unmatched and incredible as it is unconditional.

My girl is the mother nature of my world.

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